101 Best Purim Trivia Questions and Answers

Purim is a Jewish holiday celebrating the survival of the Jewish people from the plot of Haman in ancient Persia. It is marked with feasting, costumes, and the reading of the Megillah.

Purim is one of the most joyous and festive holidays in Jewish tradition. It commemorates the events recorded in the Book of Esther, where Queen Esther and Mordecai saved the Jewish people from Haman’s evil plot. People celebrate Purim with feasts, charity, wearing costumes, and engaging in lively festivities.

One of the best ways to engage with this holiday is through Purim trivia! Whether you’re organizing a party, a school event, or just want to test your knowledge, these Purim trivia questions and answers will add fun to your celebration.

History of Purim

Purim dates back to the Persian Empire, during the reign of King Ahasuerus (believed to be Xerxes I). The story, recorded in the Book of Esther, tells how Haman, the king’s advisor, plotted to destroy the Jewish people. Queen Esther and her cousin Mordecai thwarted Haman’s plans, leading to his downfall. The Jewish people were saved, and Purim was established as a day of celebration.

Purim Trivia Questions and Answers

Here’s a list of 101 Purim trivia questions and answers, divided into categories for easy reference.

General Purim Knowledge

Q: What book in the Bible tells the story of Purim?
A: The Book of Esther

Q: On what date is Purim celebrated?
A: The 14th of Adar

Q: What is the name of the holiday that celebrates the events in the Book of Esther?
A: Purim

Q: What was the main reason Purim is celebrated?
A: The salvation of the Jewish people from Haman’s plot to destroy them.

Q: What does the word “Purim” mean?
A: “Lots” (referring to the lottery Haman used to choose the date for the destruction of the Jews)

Q: What is read aloud during Purim celebrations?
A: The Megillah (Book of Esther)

Q: What traditional food is eaten during Purim?
A: Hamantaschen

Q: Which Persian king is a central character in the Purim story?
A: King Ahasuerus (Xerxes)

Q: Who is the villain of the Purim story?
A: Haman

Q: Who is the heroine of the Purim story?
A: Queen Esther

Characters in the Purim Story

Q: Who was the Jewish cousin and guardian of Esther?
A: Mordecai

Q: What was Haman’s official position in the Persian Empire?
A: Prime Minister

Q: What was the name of King Ahasuerus’ first wife?
A: Queen Vashti

Q: What role did Mordecai play in foiling Haman’s plot?
A: He uncovered a conspiracy to assassinate the king and informed Esther.

Q: Who did Haman wish to have executed in the Purim story?
A: Mordecai

Q: What was Esther’s Hebrew name?
A: Hadassah

Q: How did Esther become queen?
A: She won a beauty contest held by King Ahasuerus.

Q: Who was the chief eunuch who took care of Esther during her time in the palace?
A: Hegai

Q: What was Haman’s reaction when Mordecai refused to bow to him?
A: He became enraged and plotted to destroy all the Jews.

Q: How did Mordecai’s refusal to bow to Haman affect the Purim story?
A: It set off Haman’s plot to annihilate the Jews.

Traditions and Customs

Q: What is a common custom during the reading of the Megillah?
A: To make noise and drown out Haman’s name by shaking groggers (noisemakers).

Q: What is a grogger?
A: A noisemaker used to drown out Haman’s name during the Megillah reading.

Q: What is the traditional food eaten on Purim?
A: Hamantaschen, a triangular pastry.

Q: What do people traditionally wear on Purim?
A: Costumes

Q: What is the custom of giving gifts to the poor during Purim called?
A: Matanot La’evyonim

Q: What is the custom of giving gifts to friends during Purim called?
A: Mishloach Manot

Q: What is the name of the charity traditionally given on Purim?
A: Matanot La’evyonim (Gifts to the Poor)

Q: What is the Purim seudah?
A: A festive meal eaten on Purim.

Q: Why do people wear costumes on Purim?
A: To celebrate the hidden miracles of Purim and the idea that things were not always as they seemed in the story.

Q: Which mitzvah is especially important on Purim?
A: Hearing the Megillah.

Historical Background

Q: Who was the ruler of the Persian Empire during the Purim story?
A: King Ahasuerus

Q: How long did Queen Esther’s reign as queen last?
A: Approximately 12 years

Q: In which ancient city did the events of the Purim story take place?
A: Susa (Shushan)

Q: What empire was the Persian Empire part of?
A: The Achaemenid Empire

Q: Who was the Persian empire’s prime minister that plotted against the Jews?
A: Haman

Q: What was the fate of Haman at the end of the Purim story?
A: He was executed by hanging.

Q: Who helped persuade King Ahasuerus to save the Jews?
A: Queen Esther

Q: Which famous festival predates Purim and is connected to the Jewish people’s survival in Persia?
A: Hanukkah

Q: In the Purim story, who intervened to save the Jews from Haman’s plot?
A: Queen Esther, with the help of Mordecai.

Q: What method did Haman use to choose the date for the destruction of the Jews?
A: He cast lots (Purim).

Famous Sayings & Terms

Q: What is the phrase “Chag Purim Sameach” used to convey?
A: A greeting meaning “Happy Purim Festival.”

Q: What is the name of the scroll that contains the story of Purim?
A: The Megillah

Q: What is the blessing said before reading the Megillah?
A: “Asher kidishanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu lishmoa Megillat Esther.”

Q: What does “Mishloach Manot” mean?
A: Sending gifts of food to friends

Q: What is the Hebrew term for charity given to the poor on Purim?
A: Matanot La’evyonim

Q: What term is used for the feast held on Purim?
A: Seudah

Q: What does “Hamantaschen” mean?
A: “Haman’s pockets” (referring to the shape of the pastry)

Q: What does the term “Purim Katan” refer to?
A: A mini-Purim, celebrated during a leap year, when Purim is postponed to the 14th of Adar II.

Q: What is the word for the “fast” that some Jews observe before Purim?
A: The Fast of Esther

Q: What phrase is often shouted when Haman’s name is read during the Megillah?
A: “Boo!”

Fun Facts & Trivia

Q: In what year did Purim fall on March 10th?
A: 2025

Q: What are Hamantaschen typically filled with?
A: Poppy seeds, fruit preserves, or chocolate.

Q: In which country is Purim often celebrated with large, festive parades?
A: Israel

Q: How many chapters are there in the Book of Esther?
A: 10 chapters

Q: What is the name of the Jewish community that celebrates Purim for two days due to its location?
A: Jerusalem (celebrates Purim on the 15th of Adar)

Q: How many days after Purim is Passover?
A: Approximately 30 days.

Q: What food is most commonly associated with Purim?
A: Hamantaschen

Q: What does it mean when the Megillah is read in one’s synagogue?
A: It is a public mitzvah (commandment) to hear the Megillah.

Q: Why are people encouraged to drink wine on Purim?
A: It’s part of the festive nature of the holiday.

Q: Which famous comic actor’s name is associated with a Purim costume and the story of Purim?
A: Charlie Chaplin (because of the association with dressing up in costumes).

Fun Factoids About Haman

Q: What was the symbolic meaning of Haman’s hat in Purim folklore?
A: It was often depicted as a three-cornered hat, symbolizing his role as the villain.

Q: How many sons did Haman have?
A: Ten sons.

Q: What was Haman’s final punishment?
A: He was hanged on the gallows he had built for Mordecai.

Q: What was the height of the gallows Haman built for Mordecai?
A: 50 cubits (about 75 feet).

Q: Haman’s ancestry is linked to which people in the Bible?
A: The Amalekites.

Q: What did King Ahasuerus offer Esther when she saved the Jews?
A: Half of his kingdom.

Q: What did Haman’s decree to destroy the Jews ultimately lead to?
A: A celebration of survival, known as Purim.

Q: What weapon did Haman use to manipulate the king?
A: Flattering and bribery.

Q: Who opposed Haman’s decree to annihilate the Jews?
A: Mordecai and Esther.

Q: Which member of Haman’s family is mentioned in the Book of Esther?
A: His wife, Zeresh.

Purim Around the World

Q: In which city is Purim celebrated for two days?
A: Jerusalem (on the 14th and 15th of Adar).

Q: Which country celebrates Purim with a festival of giant puppets?
A: Italy

Q: What is the traditional Purim treat in Israel?
A: Hamantaschen

Q: Which country celebrates Purim with costume balls and festivals?
A: Iran (formerly Persia)

Q: What is the name of the Purim parade held in New York?
A: The Purim Parade of Crown Heights

Q: Which two Jewish holidays have a similar name to Purim due to their emphasis on hidden miracles?
A: Hanukkah and Pesach (Passover).

Q: How is Purim celebrated in Ethiopia by the Beta Israel community?
A: With a unique form of worship and public reading of the Megillah.

Q: What was the first Purim party in the United States held?
A: In New York, hosted by Jewish communities.

Q: Which Middle Eastern country celebrates Purim similarly to Israel, with festivals and public events?
A: Iran

Purim Symbols & The Megillah

Q: What does the Hebrew word “Megillah” mean?
A: Scroll

Q: How many times is Haman’s name mentioned in the Megillah?
A: 54 times

Q: How many verses are in the Megillah of Esther?
A: 167 verses

Q: What animal is often used to represent Mordecai’s character?
A: A lion, symbolizing bravery and leadership.

Q: What did King Ahasuerus promise to give Esther when she invited him to her banquet?
A: Half of his kingdom

Q: What event causes Esther to reveal Haman’s plot?
A: A series of banquets and a twist of fate.

Purim Symbols & The Megillah (Continued)

Q: What happens to Haman’s family at the end of the Purim story?
A: Haman’s ten sons are executed along with him.

Q: What animal is used to symbolize Haman’s evil character in some Purim depictions?
A: A serpent or snake.

Q: How many times is the name of God mentioned in the Book of Esther?
A: The name of God is not mentioned at all in the Book of Esther.

Q: What does the term “hidden miracles” refer to in the context of Purim?
A: The idea that God’s presence in the Purim story was concealed behind natural events.

Q: What was the “lot” (Pur) that Haman cast for?
A: To determine the date for the destruction of the Jews.

Purim in Jewish Tradition

Q: Which Jewish festival is closest to Purim in terms of celebrating the survival of the Jewish people?
A: Hanukkah

Q: What do some Jews fast before celebrating Purim?
A: The Fast of Esther, which occurs on the 13th of Adar.

Q: How do Jews traditionally celebrate Purim in synagogues?
A: By listening to the reading of the Megillah, giving charity, sending gifts of food, and enjoying a festive meal.

Q: What is a common Purim prayer recited after the reading of the Megillah?
A: “Al HaNissim” (for the miracles).

Q: What type of festive meal do many Jews enjoy on Purim?
A: A seudah (a large, celebratory meal).

Purim Customs and Foods

Q: What is the name of the sweet triangular pastries associated with Purim?
A: Hamantaschen

Q: What is a popular filling for Hamantaschen?
A: Poppy seeds (Mohn), fruit jams, or chocolate.

Q: What type of drink is commonly consumed during the Purim seudah?
A: Wine, sometimes consumed in abundance as part of the festive celebration.

Q: What do the three corners of a Hamantaschen symbolize?
A: The three-cornered hat traditionally associated with Haman.

Q: What is “Shalach Manot”?
A: The custom of sending gifts of food to friends on Purim.

Q: Why is it customary to give charity on Purim?
A: To help those in need and ensure that everyone can celebrate the holiday, fulfilling the mitzvah of Matanot La’evyonim (gifts to the poor).

FAQs About Purim Trivia Questions

1. Why do people wear costumes on Purim?

Wearing costumes represents the hidden nature of the Purim miracle, as God’s name is not mentioned in the Book of Esther.

2. Is Purim similar to Halloween?

No, Purim is a religious holiday focused on Jewish survival, while Halloween has pagan origins.

3. Can non-Jews celebrate Purim?

Yes! Many people enjoy learning about Jewish traditions and celebrating Purim with their Jewish friends.

4. What happens if Purim falls on a Sabbath?

The Megillah reading is moved to Friday, and other mitzvot are adjusted accordingly.

5. Why is the Megillah read twice?

Once at night and once during the day, following the commandment to recall the miracle.

6. What is the proper greeting for Purim?

“Chag Purim Sameach!” (Happy Purim Holiday) or “Purim Sameach!”

7. Why do people drink alcohol on Purim?

Drinking is encouraged (in moderation) to experience the joy of the holiday and to fulfill the teaching of the Talmud.

8. Are there any other holidays similar to Purim?

Hanukkah shares some similarities, as both celebrate Jewish survival and miracles.

9. What do children do during Purim?

Children often dress in costumes, participate in Purim plays, and give out Mishloach Manot.

10. Why is charity important on Purim?

Helping the poor ensures that everyone can celebrate the holiday with joy.


Purim is a unique and joyous holiday filled with fascinating traditions, history, and customs. From reading the Megillah to eating Hamantaschen and dressing in costumes, Purim embodies the spirit of Jewish resilience and celebration. Whether you’re testing your knowledge with Purim trivia or engaging in the mitzvot of the holiday, there’s always something meaningful to enjoy about this festive occasion. Chag Purim Sameach!

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