101 Best 1st Grade Trivia Questions And Answers

1st Grade Trivia Questions are a fantastic way to engage young minds and make learning fun. These questions often cover basic subjects like geography, math, and science, helping to build foundational knowledge. Kids enjoy the challenge and feel a sense of accomplishment when they know the answers.

Trivia questions can be used in classrooms, during family game nights, or as a fun activity to pass the time. They are not only entertaining but also educational, fostering a love for learning from an early age. Encouraging kids to participate in trivia helps improve their memory, critical thinking, and confidence.

Fun Trivia Questions

Are you ready to dive into the world of 1st Grade Trivia Questions? Trivia questions are a fantastic way to engage young minds and help them learn new facts in a fun and exciting manner. Fun Trivia Questions can spark curiosity and make learning feel like an adventure. Let’s explore some interesting trivia about animals and space that will captivate any first grader’s imagination.

Animal Facts

Kids love animals, and there are so many fascinating facts about them! Here are some fun trivia questions about animals that will leave first graders in awe:

  • What is the largest land animal? The elephant is the largest land animal.
  • Which animal is known as the king of the jungle? The lion is often called the king of the jungle.
  • What do pandas eat? Pandas primarily eat bamboo.
  • How many legs does a spider have? Spiders have eight legs.
  • Which bird is known for its colorful feathers and ability to mimic sounds? The parrot is known for its bright feathers and mimicking sounds.

Here’s a table with some more amazing animal facts:

KangarooKangaroos can jump up to 30 feet in a single leap!
Blue WhaleBlue whales are the largest animals ever known to have lived on Earth.
OctopusAn octopus has three hearts and blue blood.

Space Wonders

Space is full of mysteries and wonders that can captivate young minds. Let’s explore some fun trivia questions about space:

  • What is the closest planet to the Sun? Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.
  • Which planet is known as the Red Planet? Mars is known as the Red Planet.
  • How many moons does Earth have? Earth has one moon.
  • What is the name of our galaxy? Our galaxy is called the Milky Way.
  • Which planet has rings around it? Saturn is famous for its rings.

Here are some more incredible space facts:

Space FactDescription
The SunThe Sun is a star at the center of our solar system.
Light SpeedLight from the Sun takes about 8 minutes to reach Earth.
Black HolesBlack holes have such strong gravity that even light cannot escape them.


101 Best 1st Grade Trivia Questions And Answers

Here are 101 first-grade trivia questions categorized to cover a variety of subjects including Math, Science, Animals, Geography, Colors, and General Knowledge:

Math 1st Grade Trivia

Q: What is 1 + 1?
A: 2

Q: What comes after 3?
A: 4

Q: How many sides does a triangle have?
A: 3

Q: What is 5 – 2?
A: 3

Q: How many fingers do you have on one hand?
A: 5

Q: What is 10 + 0?
A: 10

Q: How many pennies make a dollar?
A: 100

Q: What is 2 + 3?
A: 5

Q: What number comes before 10?
A: 9

Q: How many legs does a spider have?
A: 8

Science 1st Grade Trivia

Q: What is the color of the sky?
A: Blue

Q: What do plants need to grow?
A: Water, sunlight, and soil

Q: What planet do we live on?
A: Earth

Q: What do we breathe in to stay alive?
A: Air (oxygen)

Q: What is a baby dog called?
A: Puppy

Q: What star is closest to Earth?
A: The Sun

Q: How many legs do insects have?
A: 6

Q: What do bees make?
A: Honey

Q: Which animal is the largest on land?
A: Elephant

Q: What do cows give us to drink?
A: Milk

Animal Trivia

Q: What animal says “Moo”?
A: Cow

Q: Which bird is known for saying “Hoot Hoot”?
A: Owl

Q: What is the tallest animal?
A: Giraffe

Q: Which animal is known for its black and white stripes?
A: Zebra

Q: What is the fastest land animal?
A: Cheetah

Q: Which bird cannot fly but can swim?
A: Penguin

Q: What animal has a long trunk?
A: Elephant

Q: What animal lives in a hive?
A: Bee

Q: Which animal has a mane and is known as the “King of the Jungle”?
A: Lion

Q: What type of animal is a goldfish?
A: Fish

Geography Trivia

Q: What is the largest ocean on Earth?
A: Pacific Ocean

Q: What is the capital of the United States?
A: Washington, D.C.

Q: How many continents are there?
A: 7

Q: What is the name of the imaginary line that divides the Earth into northern and southern halves?
A: The Equator

Q: What is the biggest country in the world by area?
A: Russia

Q: Which country is famous for kangaroos?
A: Australia

Q: Which country has the Eiffel Tower?
A: France

Q: Which ocean is between Africa and Australia?
A: Indian Ocean

Q: What is the largest desert in the world?
A: Sahara Desert

Q: What continent is the Amazon Rainforest located on?
A: South America

Colors 1st Grade Trivia Questions

Q: What color is the sun?
A: Yellow

Q: What color are strawberries?
A: Red

Q: What color is grass?
A: Green

Q: What color is the sky at night?
A: Black

Q: What color do you get when you mix red and blue?
A: Purple

Q: What color is a banana?
A: Yellow

Q: What color are oranges?
A: Orange

Q: What color are clouds on a rainy day?
A: Gray

Q: What color is a flamingo?
A: Pink

Q: What color is an apple?
A: Red (or Green)

General Knowledge Trivia

Q: How many days are in a week?
A: 7

Q: What is the opposite of up?
A: Down

Q: How many months are in a year?
A: 12

Q: What day comes after Saturday?
A: Sunday

Q: How many hours are in a day?
A: 24

Q: What is the name of the fairy in “Peter Pan”?
A: Tinkerbell

Q: Who is Mickey Mouse’s girlfriend?
A: Minnie Mouse

Q: What do you call a house made of ice?
A: Igloo

Q: What shape is a stop sign?
A: Octagon

Q: Who was the first president of the United States?
A: George Washington

Fun Facts Trivia

Q: How many wheels does a bicycle have?
A: 2

Q: What does a caterpillar turn into?
A: A butterfly

Q: What do you call a baby cat?
A: Kitten

Q: Which holiday has a tradition of giving gifts?
A: Christmas

Q: What do you wear on your feet to walk outside?
A: Shoes

Q: What is something you use to write with?
A: Pencil (or Pen)

Q: What do you need to see in the dark?
A: Light

Q: What is the shape of a basketball?
A: Circle (or Sphere)

Q: What is something that flies in the sky with wings?
A: Bird

Q: What do you use to brush your teeth?
A: Toothbrush

Seasons Trivia

Q: Which season is the hottest?
A: Summer

Q: What season comes after winter?
A: Spring

Q: What season is Halloween in?
A: Fall (or Autumn)

Q: Which season has snow?
A: Winter

Q: Which season has falling leaves?
A: Fall (Autumn)

Q: In which season do flowers bloom?
A: Spring

Q: What month is Christmas in?
A: December

Q: What season do people go swimming outside?
A: Summer

Q: What season is after summer?
A: Fall (or Autumn)

Q: What season do animals hibernate?
A: Winter

Body Parts 1st Grade Trivia

Q: What do you use to smell things?
A: Nose

Q: What do you use to hear?
A: Ears

Q: What do you use to see?
A: Eyes

Q: What do you use to taste food?
A: Tongue

Q: What do you use to hold things?
A: Hands

Q: What do you use to run?
A: Legs

Q: What do you use to chew food?
A: Teeth

Q: What covers your whole body?
A: Skin

Q: What do you use to kick a ball?
A: Feet

Q: What helps you bend your arms?
A: Elbow

Sports 1st Grade Trivia

Q: What sport do you play with a bat and ball?
A: Baseball

Q: What sport is played with a soccer ball?
A: Soccer (or Football, in some countries)

Q: What sport is played with a hoop and a ball?
A: Basketball

Q: What sport uses a racket and a small ball?
A: Tennis

Q: What sport involves swimming?
A: Swimming

Q: What sport do you play on ice with sticks and a puck?
A: Ice Hockey

Q: What sport do people run long distances?
A: Running (or Marathon)

Q: What sport uses a net, ball, and involves hitting the ball over the net?
A: Volleyball

Q: What sport is played with a bat, a small ball, and gloves?
A: Baseball

Q: What sport is popular in winter and involves skiing?
A: Skiing

Q: What sport do you play with a racket, but the ball is called a shuttlecock?
A: Badminton

These questions and answers are tailored for first-grade students, with simple language and straightforward concepts to help children learn and have fun!

Math Puzzles

First grade is a crucial time for young learners to build a strong foundation in math. One of the best ways to engage these young minds is through Math Puzzles. These puzzles make learning fun and interactive, helping children grasp basic math concepts. In this section, we will explore some exciting trivia questions focusing on Basic Addition and Simple Subtraction.

Basic Addition

Basic addition is one of the first math skills first graders learn. Introducing it through trivia questions can make it enjoyable. Here are some examples:

  • What is 2 + 3? – The answer is 5.
  • How much is 4 + 4? – The answer is 8.
  • Add 1 and 6. What do you get? – The answer is 7.

These questions can be presented in various ways to keep the kids engaged. You can use colorful flashcards, interactive games, or even a simple table like the one below:

1 + 23
3 + 36
5 + 16

Using these methods, children can practice addition while having fun. This builds their confidence and prepares them for more complex math concepts.

Simple Subtraction

Simple subtraction is another essential skill for first graders. Introducing it through trivia helps children understand the concept of taking away. Here are some trivia questions:

  • What is 5 – 2? – The answer is 3.
  • Subtract 4 from 7. What do you get? – The answer is 3.
  • If you take 1 away from 6, what is the result? – The answer is 5.

To make learning subtraction more engaging, use visual aids or interactive tools. Here’s a table to illustrate some basic subtraction problems:

6 – 24
9 – 36
8 – 17

Incorporating these trivia questions into daily learning routines makes subtraction less intimidating. It encourages children to practice regularly, improving their math skills.

1st Grade Trivia Questions: Fun & Educational Quizzes for Kids

Credit: www.education.com

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Some Fun Trivia Questions For 1st Graders?

Fun trivia questions for 1st graders include topics like animals, colors, and simple math. Questions should be easy and engaging to keep their interest.

How Can Trivia Help 1st Graders Learn?

Trivia can make learning fun and interactive for 1st graders. It helps improve memory, critical thinking, and knowledge retention.

Where To Find 1st Grade Trivia Questions?

You can find 1st grade trivia questions online, in educational books, or through school resources. Many websites offer printable trivia quizzes.

What Subjects Are Best For 1st Grade Trivia?

Subjects like basic math, science, colors, and animals are ideal for 1st grade trivia. These topics are both educational and entertaining.


First grade trivia questions offer a fun way to engage young minds. They help children learn new facts and improve memory. These questions can be a great addition to family game nights or classroom activities. Start incorporating trivia into your routine and watch your child’s knowledge grow effortlessly.

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