101 Best Book of Mormon Trivia Questions And Answers

The Book of Mormon is a significant religious text for millions of people. It serves as a companion to the Bible within the Latter-day Saint movement. Written by Joseph Smith, this book offers insights into ancient American civilizations. It claims to be a record of God’s dealings with the ancient inhabitants of the Americas.

The text has been translated into numerous languages, making it accessible to a global audience. Its teachings and stories have inspired countless individuals in their spiritual journeys. Understanding its origins and key details enhances one’s appreciation of its profound impact.

Introduction To Trivia

Are you a fan of the Book of Mormon and love testing your knowledge? Then Book of Mormon Trivia Questions are perfect for you. Trivia is a fun way to learn and challenge yourself. Let’s dive into an introduction to trivia and discover its wonders!

What Is Trivia?

Trivia refers to pieces of information or facts that are interesting but not widely known. These facts are often used in quizzes and games to challenge participants. Trivia can be about any topic, including history, science, entertainment, and religion.

Book of Mormon Trivia focuses on facts and stories from the Book of Mormon. Here are some examples of what trivia might cover:

  • Names of prophets in the Book of Mormon
  • Important events and their dates
  • Teachings and parables
  • Locations mentioned in the Book of Mormon

Trivia questions can be presented in various formats:

Multiple ChoiceSelect the correct answer from a list of options
True or FalseDecide if a statement is true or false
Short AnswerWrite a brief response to a question

Learning through trivia is engaging and helps retain information better. The Book of Mormon Trivia not only tests your knowledge but also deepens your understanding of the text.

Importance Of Trivia Games

Trivia games are more than just fun. They offer numerous benefits, especially in educational settings. Here are some reasons why trivia games are important:

  • Enhances Learning: Trivia games make learning enjoyable. They help reinforce knowledge through repetition.
  • Boosts Memory: Answering trivia questions helps improve memory and recall. It strengthens brain functions.
  • Encourages Critical Thinking: Trivia requires you to think quickly and critically. It improves problem-solving skills.
  • Promotes Social Interaction: Playing trivia with friends or family fosters social bonding and teamwork.
  • Increases Engagement: Trivia games keep participants engaged and motivated to learn more.

For religious education, trivia games about the Book of Mormon can be particularly impactful. They make scripture study interactive and fun. Here’s a quick list of how trivia can be used:

  1. Sunday School Classes: Engage students with trivia quizzes.
  2. Family Home Evenings: Make family time more meaningful with trivia games.
  3. Youth Activities: Use trivia to teach and entertain youth groups.

In summary, trivia games are a powerful educational tool. They make learning enjoyable and effective. So, get ready to test your knowledge with Book of Mormon Trivia Questions!

101 Book of Mormon Trivia Questions And Answers

Here is a list of 101 Book of Mormon trivia questions and answers, categorized by topic for easier navigation. These questions range from easy to more challenging, ensuring a comprehensive overview of the Book of Mormon.

General Knowledge Book of Mormon Trivia Questions

Q: Who is the primary author of the Book of Mormon?
A: Mormon.

Q: What does the name “Book of Mormon” refer to?
A: The book is named after Mormon, a prophet and military leader who compiled the records.

Q: How many books are in the Book of Mormon?
A: 15 books.

Q: What is the first book in the Book of Mormon?
A: First Nephi.

Q: Who is the last prophet to write in the Book of Mormon?
A: Moroni.

Q: What year was the Book of Mormon first published?
A: 1830.

Q: What language was the Book of Mormon originally translated from?
A: Reformed Egyptian.

Q: What is the last book in the Book of Mormon?
A: Moroni.

Nephi and the Early Years

Q: Who was Nephi’s father?
A: Lehi.

Q: What was the name of Nephi’s younger brothers?
A: Laman, Lemuel, Sam, and others.

Q: What was the first major city established by Nephi and his people?
A: Nephi.

Q: Which prophet appeared to Nephi in a vision?
A: The prophet Isaiah.

Q: What was the name of the ship that Nephi built?
A: The Ship of Nephi.

Q: What was the main reason Nephi and his brothers fled into the wilderness?
A: They were commanded by God to leave Jerusalem before its destruction.

Q: Who tried to kill Nephi on several occasions?
A: His brothers, Laman and Lemuel.

Q: What was Nephi’s primary purpose in keeping records?
A: To preserve the spiritual history of his people.

The Nephite and Lamanite Conflict

Q: Who was the first king of the Nephites?
A: Nephi.

Q: What was the name of the group of Nephites who separated from the main group?
A: The Nephites who followed King Mosiah (the second one) to the land of Zarahemla.

Q: Which two nations fought the most in the Book of Mormon?
A: The Nephites and the Lamanites.

Q: Who was the leader of the Lamanites during the battle at Cumeni?
A: Zerahemnah.

Q: Which prophet in the Book of Mormon prophesied about the coming of Christ in the Americas?
A: Samuel the Lamanite.

Q: What was the name of the hill where the final battle between the Nephites and the Lamanites occurred?
A: The Hill Cumorah.

Q: Who was the leader of the Nephites during their final battle?
A: Mormon.

Prophecies and Teachings

Q: Who taught about the necessity of baptism by immersion in the Book of Mormon?
A: Alma the Elder.

Q: What significant prophecy did Samuel the Lamanite make concerning Christ?
A: That He would be born in Bethlehem and that a new star would arise at His birth.

Q: Which prophet preached to the Lamanites and was eventually saved by an angel?
A: Ammon.

Q: Who prophesied that the Nephites would be destroyed if they didn’t repent?
A: Mormon.

Q: What was the main message of the Book of Alma?
A: The importance of repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

Q: Who is the great example of a missionary in the Book of Mormon?
A: Ammon.

Q: Who taught about the coming of Christ to the Nephites after His death?
A: Jesus Christ Himself in 3 Nephi.

Key Figures and Leaders

Q: Who was the first person to baptize in the Book of Mormon?
A: Alma the Elder.

Q: What prophet appeared to Alma the Younger to call him to repentance?
A: The Angel of the Lord.

Q: Who was the Nephite military leader who defended the Nephites during the wars with the Lamanites?
A: Captain Moroni.

Q: What was the name of the powerful king of the Lamanites who sought to destroy the Nephites?
A: King Amalickiah.

Q: Who were the sons of Mosiah?
A: Ammon, Aaron, Omner, and Himni.

Q: Which Nephite leader was known for his strength and courage, who later became king of the Nephites?
A: Captain Moroni.

Q: Which Lamanite king was converted to the gospel by the sons of Mosiah?
A: King Lamoni.

Q: Who is known for his great faith and the willingness to serve the king, eventually converting many Lamanites?
A: Ammon.

Q: Who was the last prophet of the Book of Mormon?
A: Moroni.

Miracles and Divine Intervention

Q: Who healed the sick and raised the dead in the Book of Mormon?
A: Jesus Christ.

Q: How did Alma the Younger and the sons of Mosiah escape from prison?
A: Through the power of God, the prison walls fell.

Q: What miracle happened to the Lamanite armies during a battle when the Nephites were outnumbered?
A: They were surrounded by darkness, which led to confusion and defeat of the Lamanites.

Q: How did the people of Ammon react when their weapons were taken away after their conversion?
A: They buried their weapons and swore never to fight again.

Q: What happened when Nephi prayed to God for help in building a ship?
A: The Lord gave him the ability to build a ship.

Q: What happened when King Benjamin prayed for his people?
A: The Spirit of God came upon them, and they were filled with joy and peace.

Q: How did the Lord intervene when the Nephites were threatened by famine?
A: The people repented, and the famine ended.

Teachings of Jesus Christ

Q: What are the three primary covenants that are part of the teachings of Jesus Christ in the Book of Mormon?
A: Baptism, the sacrament, and enduring to the end.

Q: What are the Beatitudes that Christ taught in the Book of Mormon?
A: Blessed are the poor in spirit, the meek, those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, etc.

Q: What did Christ teach about prayer in the Book of Mormon?
A: Pray in humility and in secret, and pray for the will of God to be done.

Q: What did Jesus Christ say about the necessity of being “born again”?
A: Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.

Q: What did Christ teach about the importance of loving others?
A: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.

Q: What is the role of the Holy Ghost as taught by Jesus Christ in the Book of Mormon?
A: To comfort, guide, and teach all things.

More Teachings of Jesus Christ

Q: What did Christ say about the children of God?
A: “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not.”

Q: What did Jesus teach about the importance of repentance?
A: Repentance is essential for forgiveness and entering the kingdom of God.

Q: What does the Savior say about enduring to the end?
A: “He that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved.”

Q: What sacrament did Jesus institute when He visited the Nephites?
A: The sacrament of bread and wine (representing His body and blood).

Q: What teaching did Christ give about the Good Shepherd?
A: “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.”

Q: How did Christ teach the Nephites about being a light to others?
A: He said, “Ye are the light of the world.”

Doctrinal Questions Book of Mormon Trivia Questions

Q: What is the law of chastity as taught in the Book of Mormon?
A: Abstinence from sexual relations outside of marriage between a man and a woman.

Q: What does the Book of Mormon say about the nature of the soul?
A: The soul is composed of the spirit and the body.

Q: What did the Book of Mormon teach about the resurrection?
A: All will be resurrected, both the righteous and the wicked.

Q: What did the Book of Mormon teach about grace?
A: Salvation comes through grace after all we can do.

Q: What did the Book of Mormon teach about faith?
A: Faith is a principle of action and power.

Q: What does the Book of Mormon say about the importance of keeping the commandments?
A: Keeping the commandments brings blessings and protection.

Q: What is the role of the Holy Ghost according to the Book of Mormon?
A: The Holy Ghost is a comforter, a teacher, and a guide to all truth.

Q: How does the Book of Mormon define sin?
A: Sin is the transgression of the law.

Q: How does the Book of Mormon describe the relationship between justice and mercy?
A: Justice demands punishment for sin, but mercy satisfies justice through Jesus Christ.

Conclusion and Legacy Book of Mormon Trivia Questions

Q: What was the purpose of Mormon’s writings in the Book of Mormon?
A: To convince people to come unto Christ.

Q: What does the Book of Mormon teach about the importance of the Scriptures?
A: The scriptures are essential for learning truth and gaining faith.

Q: What is Moroni’s final invitation to readers at the end of the Book of Mormon?
A: To come unto Christ and be perfected in Him.

Advanced Questions
Q: Which prophet prophesied about the coming of the Book of Mormon?
A: Isaiah.

Q: What is the significance of the “sealed portion” of the plates?
A: It is said to contain more writings that will be revealed in the future.

Q: What is the importance of the doctrine of the fall in the Book of Mormon?
A: The fall of Adam and Eve makes the atonement of Christ necessary for all mankind.

Q: How does the Book of Mormon describe the coming of Christ?
A: As a child born in Bethlehem, who will suffer and die for mankind.

Q: What is the significance of the visit of Jesus Christ to the Americas?
A: It demonstrates Christ’s universal atonement and His love for all people.

Additional Questions

Q: Who led the Nephites after the death of Alma the Younger?
A: His son, Helaman.

Q: What is the name of the group of Nephites that separated and eventually became a more wicked group?
A: The Amalekites.

Q: What does Alma the Younger teach about the nature of God?
A: God is unchangeable and all-powerful, and His purpose is to bring about the immortality and eternal life of man.

Q: Which Nephite leader had a vision of the destruction of his people, causing him to call for repentance?
A: Mormon.

Q: What does the Book of Mormon teach about the importance of charity?
A: Charity is the pure love of Christ, and it is essential to salvation.

Q: Who was the first to preach the gospel to the Lamanites?
A: Ammon.

Q: What does the Book of Mormon teach about the relationship between faith and works?
A: Faith without works is dead, and true faith leads to repentance and action.

Q: What is the significance of the Nephite record being preserved for the future?
A: It was preserved to bring all people to a knowledge of Jesus Christ and to testify of His divinity.

Q: Who was the chief judge of the Nephites when the people experienced internal divisions?
A: Nephi (the son of Helaman).

Q: Who was the last military leader of the Nephites who fought in the final battle at the Hill Cumorah?
A: Moroni.

More Additional Questions

Q: What role did the prophet Alma play in the conversion of the people of Ammon?
A: Alma helped teach the doctrine of repentance and the gospel to the people of Ammon.

Q: Who is known as the “father of the Nephite nation”?
A: Lehi.

Q: What did Alma the Younger witness in his vision that led to his conversion?
A: He witnessed the angel of the Lord, who rebuked him and called him to repentance.

Q: What does the Book of Mormon teach about repentance?
A: Repentance is essential for forgiveness and returning to God.

Q: Who was the king that was visited by the missionary Ammon and his brothers?
A: King Lamoni.

Q: What did Christ teach about the importance of keeping His commandments?
A: He said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.”

Q: How did the Lamanites react when they saw the converts’ joy and faith in God?
A: Many of the Lamanites were amazed and began to believe in the gospel.

Q: What does the Book of Mormon say about the consequences of sin?
A: Sin leads to spiritual death and separation from God, but repentance brings forgiveness.

Q: How does the Book of Mormon teach us about the importance of prayer?
A: It teaches that prayer should be constant, sincere, and offered in faith.

Q: Who was the leader of the Nephites during the time when they experienced their most wicked period?
A: King Noah.

Additional Book of Mormon Trivia Questions

Q: What does the Book of Mormon say about the importance of the Holy Spirit?
A: The Holy Spirit guides, comforts, and teaches truth to those who are righteous.

Q: What was the name of the prophet who foretold of the destruction of the Nephite nation?
A: Mormon.

Q: What does the Book of Mormon say about the role of the priesthood in the gospel?
A: The priesthood is necessary for administering ordinances like baptism and the sacrament, and for teaching the gospel.

Q: What is the significance of the “scattering of Israel” as mentioned in the Book of Mormon?
A: The scattering of Israel is a key event that sets the stage for the restoration of the gospel and the gathering of Israel in the last days.

Q: Who were the “people of Ammon” in the Book of Mormon?
A: They were Lamanites who converted to the gospel and took an oath to never fight again, burying their weapons of war.

Q: What promise does Moroni make to those who read the Book of Mormon?
A: Moroni promises that those who read, ponder, and pray about the Book of Mormon will receive a testimony of its truth through the Holy Ghost.

History Of The Book

Are you a fan of the Book of Mormon? Do you enjoy testing your knowledge with trivia questions? Let’s dive into the fascinating history of this sacred text. Understanding its origins and the key figures involved in its creation can make your trivia experience even more enriching.

Origins And Publication

The Book of Mormon is a cornerstone of the Latter-day Saint movement. Joseph Smith, the founder of the movement, claimed to have translated the book from golden plates he discovered in the early 1820s.

Here are some key points about its origins and publication:

  • Discovery of Plates: Joseph Smith said an angel named Moroni showed him the location of the golden plates.
  • Translation Process: Smith used special tools called the Urim and Thummim to translate the text.
  • Publication Date: The Book of Mormon was first published in 1830 in Palmyra, New York.
  • Initial Print Run: The first edition consisted of 5,000 copies.

A table summarizing these key points:

Discovery of PlatesBy Joseph Smith, guided by Angel Moroni
Translation ToolsUrim and Thummim
First Publication1830
Initial Print Run5,000 copies

Key Figures In Creation

Several key figures played important roles in the creation and dissemination of the Book of Mormon:

  • Joseph Smith: The primary translator and founder of the Latter-day Saint movement.
  • Oliver Cowdery: Smith’s main scribe during the translation process.
  • Martin Harris: A financial backer who mortgaged his farm to fund the book’s publication.
  • Emma Smith: Joseph Smith’s wife, who also served as an early scribe.

Let’s take a closer look at these individuals:

Joseph Smith claimed to have received divine guidance throughout the translation. He dictated the text to scribes, who wrote down his words.

Oliver Cowdery joined Smith in 1829 and became his main scribe. Cowdery’s meticulous work helped ensure the accuracy of the translated text.

Martin Harris was a farmer who believed in Smith’s mission. He played a crucial role by financing the first publication.

Emma Smith was not only Joseph’s wife but also a dedicated scribe. She supported her husband during the early stages of the translation.

Understanding the contributions of these key figures can deepen your appreciation for the Book of Mormon. They played vital roles in bringing this sacred text to life.

FAQs About Book of Mormon Trivia Questions

What Is The Book Of Mormon About?

The Book of Mormon is a religious text of the Latter-day Saint movement. It narrates the history and teachings of ancient prophets in the Americas. It is considered scripture alongside the Bible.

Who Wrote The Book Of Mormon?

The Book of Mormon was written by ancient prophets from the Americas. It was translated by Joseph Smith in the early 19th century. It is believed to be divinely inspired.

When Was The Book Of Mormon Published?

The Book of Mormon was first published in 1830. It was translated by Joseph Smith. It has since been published in many languages worldwide.

How Many Chapters Are In The Book Of Mormon?

The Book of Mormon contains 239 chapters. It is divided into smaller books, each with varying numbers of chapters. These chapters include teachings, prophecies, and historical narratives.


Exploring Book of Mormon trivia can be both fun and enlightening. Test your knowledge and learn new facts. Share these trivia questions with friends and family. Discover more about the Book of Mormon. Keep challenging yourself with more trivia. Enjoy your journey through this fascinating scripture.

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