101 Best Biblical Christmas Trivia Questions And Answers

Are you ready to test your knowledge of the Nativity story? Our collection of Biblical Christmas trivia questions will not only entertain but also enlighten you about the true meaning of Christmas. This festive season, gather your family and friends for a fun-filled trivia game that dives deep into the scriptures, offering insights and stories that celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Introduction Christmas holds deep significance for millions around the world. Rooted in the Biblical narrative, it celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. This festive season is marked by traditions, decorations, and, most importantly, a remembrance of the nativity story. Understanding the Biblical context enriches the experience, making the holiday more meaningful.

Families often engage in activities like reading scripture, singing carols, and attending church services. These practices keep the true essence of Christmas alive. By exploring Biblical Christmas trivia, we connect with the origins of this cherished holiday, deepening our appreciation and understanding of its spiritual roots.

Biblical Christmas Trivia Questions: Test Your Holiday Knowledge!

Credit: www.pinterest.com

Biblical Christmas Origins

Christmas is a time of joy and celebration, and what better way to engage with its rich history than through Biblical Christmas trivia questions? The origins of Christmas are deeply rooted in the Bible, offering fascinating insights into the events that shaped this beloved holiday. Let’s dive into the Biblical Christmas origins and explore the Nativity Story and its historical context.

Nativity Story

The Nativity Story is at the heart of the Christmas celebration. This tale begins with the angel Gabriel visiting Mary. Gabriel tells Mary she will give birth to a baby boy named Jesus. This moment is called the Annunciation.

The story continues with Mary and her husband, Joseph, traveling to Bethlehem. They go there because of a census ordered by Caesar Augustus. Mary and Joseph find no room at any inn, so they stay in a stable. Jesus is born in this humble setting.

Here are some key points of the Nativity Story:

  • Angel Gabriel’s Visit: Announces Jesus’ birth to Mary.
  • Journey to Bethlehem: Mary and Joseph travel for the census.
  • No Room at the Inn: They stay in a stable.
  • Shepherds and Angels: Angels tell shepherds about Jesus’ birth.
  • Visit of the Magi: Wise men bring gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

The Nativity Story is filled with important symbols and messages. It showcases humility, faith, and divine intervention. These elements form the core of the Christmas celebration, making it a time of reflection and joy.

Historical Context

The historical context of the Nativity Story adds depth to our understanding of Christmas. The events take place during the reign of Caesar Augustus. He was the first Roman emperor, ruling from 27 BC to AD 14.

The census mentioned in the Nativity Story was a way to count the population. This helped the Romans with taxation. This explains why Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem, Joseph’s ancestral home.

The setting of Jesus’ birth is also significant. Bethlehem is a small town with deep historical roots. It is known as the City of David, linking Jesus to King David’s lineage.

The following table highlights key historical elements:

Census by Caesar AugustusReason for Mary and Joseph’s travel
Birthplace in BethlehemCity of David, fulfilling prophecy
Roman RulePolitical and social backdrop

Understanding these historical elements enriches our appreciation of the Nativity Story. It shows how divine events intersect with human history, creating a profound narrative that resonates through the ages.

101 Biblical Christmas Trivia Questions And Answers

Here are a list of 101 Biblical Christmas Trivia Questions And Answers.

The Birth of Jesus Biblical Christmas Trivia Questions

Q: Where was Jesus born?
A: Bethlehem

Q: In what type of place was Jesus laid as a baby?
A: In a manger

Q: Who was Jesus’ mother?
A: Mary

Q: Who was Jesus’ earthly father?
A: Joseph

Q: Which angel announced Jesus’ birth to Mary?
A: Gabriel

Q: Who was the Roman Emperor when Jesus was born?
A: Caesar Augustus

Q: What was Mary’s response to the angel’s message?
A: “I am the Lord’s servant… may your word to me be fulfilled.”

Q: What did Joseph initially plan to do when he found out Mary was pregnant?
A: To divorce her quietly

Q: Why did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem?
A: For a census

Q: Which Old Testament prophet predicted Jesus would be born in Bethlehem?
A: Micah

Angels and Shepherds

Q: Who were the first people to hear about Jesus’ birth?
A: Shepherds

Q: How did the shepherds find out about Jesus’ birth?
A: An angel appeared to them

Q: What was the sign given to the shepherds to find the baby Jesus?
A: A baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger

Q: How many angels appeared to the shepherds initially?
A: One angel

Q: What did the angels say when announcing Jesus’ birth?
A: “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

Q: After the angels left, what did the shepherds decide to do?
A: Go to Bethlehem to see the baby

Q: Who did the shepherds tell about Jesus after visiting him?
A: Everyone they met

Q: What was the reaction of those who heard the shepherds’ story?
A: They were amazed

Q: What did Mary do after hearing the shepherds’ story?
A: She treasured these things and pondered them in her heart

Q: What did the shepherds do after visiting Jesus?
A: They glorified and praised God

The Wise Men Biblical Christmas Trivia Questions

Q: What guided the wise men to find Jesus?
A: A star

Q: How many wise men visited Jesus according to the Bible?
A: The Bible does not specify

Q: From where did the wise men come?
A: From the east

Q: What gifts did the wise men bring for Jesus?
A: Gold, frankincense, and myrrh

Q: What does gold symbolize in the gifts of the wise men?
A: Kingship

Q: What does frankincense symbolize?
A: Priesthood and deity

Q: What does myrrh symbolize?
A: Death and embalming

Q: Who tried to deceive the wise men about the location of Jesus?
A: King Herod

Q: How were the wise men warned not to return to Herod?
A: In a dream

Q: After visiting Jesus, where did the wise men return to?
A: Their own country by another route

The Prophecies Biblical Christmas Trivia Questions

Q: Which prophet foretold that a virgin would conceive and bear a son?
A: Isaiah

Q: What name does Isaiah say the child will be called?
A: Immanuel

Q: Which book of the Old Testament prophesied about the massacre of infants by Herod?
A: Jeremiah

Q: In which Old Testament book is it prophesied that the Messiah would be called out of Egypt?
A: Hosea

Q: Which prophecy mentioned that Jesus would be born from the line of David?
A: 2 Samuel 7:12-13

Q: What does Micah 5:2 prophesy?
A: The ruler of Israel would come from Bethlehem

Q: What does Isaiah 9:6 call the coming Messiah?
A: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace

Q: According to prophecy, what kind of ruler would the Messiah be?
A: A peaceful and just ruler

Q: Who prophesied that the Messiah would be born of a virgin?
A: Isaiah

Q: Which Psalm is considered a Messianic prophecy about Jesus’ life and suffering?
A: Psalm 22

The Significance of Jesus’ Birth

Q: What does the name “Jesus” mean?
A: The Lord saves

Q: What is the significance of Jesus being born in Bethlehem?
A: Bethlehem was the City of David, and the Messiah was prophesied to come from David’s line

Q: What is the meaning of the title “Christ”?
A: The Anointed One

Q: Why is the birth of Jesus celebrated as Christmas?
A: It marks the incarnation of God in human form

Q: Why did Jesus come to earth according to the Bible?
A: To save His people from their sins

Q: What does “Immanuel” mean?
A: God with us

Q: Who announced that the baby would be called “Jesus”?
A: The angel Gabriel

Q: What role does Jesus’ birth play in the salvation story?
A: It is the beginning of God’s redemptive plan to save humanity

Q: Why was it significant that Jesus was born to a virgin?
A: It fulfilled prophecy and signified His divine origin

Q: How is Jesus’ birth connected to God’s covenant with Israel?
A: Jesus was the promised Messiah to fulfill God’s covenant with Israel

The Characters in the Christmas Story

Q: Who was the elderly prophet who met Jesus at the temple?
A: Simeon

Q: Who was the elderly woman prophetess who also blessed Jesus at the temple?
A: Anna

Q: Who was the ruler of Judea during Jesus’ birth?
A: Herod the Great

Q: What was Joseph’s profession?
A: Carpenter

Q: Who was Elizabeth?
A: Mary’s relative and the mother of John the Baptist

Q: What did Elizabeth’s baby do when Mary visited her?
A: Leaped in her womb

Q: What was Joseph’s reaction to the angel’s message in a dream?
A: He obeyed and took Mary as his wife

Q: What was Zechariah’s role in the temple when he received the prophecy about his son, John?
A: He was offering incense

Q: Who did Zechariah and Elizabeth’s son grow up to be?
A: John the Baptist

Q: How long did Joseph and Mary stay in Bethlehem after Jesus was born?
A: Until after Herod’s death

Events After Jesus’ Birth

Q: Where did Mary and Joseph take Jesus for purification according to the Law of Moses?
A: The temple in Jerusalem

Q: Who were the two people who prophesied over Jesus at the temple?
A: Simeon and Anna

Q: Where did Mary and Joseph flee to escape Herod’s order to kill baby boys?
A: Egypt

Q: What did King Herod order after learning of Jesus’ birth from the wise men?
A: The massacre of all boys under the age of two in Bethlehem

Q: How long did Mary, Joseph, and Jesus stay in Egypt?
A: Until Herod died

Q: After returning from Egypt, where did Mary and Joseph settle with Jesus?
A: Nazareth

Q: How old was Jesus when the wise men visited Him?
A: Likely between one and two years old

Q: What was the offering Mary and Joseph brought to the temple for Jesus’ presentation?
A: Two doves or pigeons

Q: Why did Mary and Joseph offer two doves?
A: It was the offering for those who could not afford a lamb

Q: Who prophesied that a sword would pierce Mary’s soul?
A: Simeon

Symbolism and Traditions

Q: What does the star in the Christmas story represent?
A: Divine guidance and the fulfillment of prophecy

Q: Why are shepherds important in the Christmas story?
A: They symbolize humility and God’s message to the lowly

Q: Why are wise men significant in the Christmas story?
A: They represent the recognition of Jesus’ kingship by the Gentiles

Q: What is the significance of Jesus being born in a stable?
A: It shows His humble beginnings

Q: What does gold represent in the gifts brought by the wise men?
A: Royalty

Q: What does frankincense represent?
A: Divinity and worship

Q: What does myrrh represent?
A: Jesus’ future suffering and death

Q: Why is Christmas celebrated on December 25th?
A: It coincides with earlier winter festivals, though the exact date of Jesus’ birth is unknown

Q: What is the meaning of the Advent season in relation to Christmas?
A: It is a time of waiting and preparation for the coming of Christ

Q: What Christian virtue is most associated with the Christmas story?
A: Humility

Christmas in the Gospels

Q: Which Gospel contains the most detailed account of Jesus’ birth?
A: Luke

Q: Which Gospel opens with a genealogy of Jesus?
A: Matthew

Q: How does Matthew’s Gospel describe Jesus’ birth?
A: Through the perspective of Joseph and the visit of the wise men

Q: In which Gospel do angels appear to shepherds to announce Jesus’ birth?
A: Luke

Q: Which Gospel emphasizes Jesus’ divine nature from the very beginning?
A: John

Q: What does the Gospel of John call Jesus?
A: The Word

Q: Which Gospel mentions King Herod’s role in the Christmas story?
A: Matthew

Q: Which Gospel does not include a birth narrative for Jesus?
A: Mark

Q: What unique perspective does Luke’s Gospel provide in the Christmas story?
A: Mary’s viewpoint and the details of Jesus’ early life

Q: How does John’s Gospel present the coming of Jesus?
A: As the Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us

Christmas and the Early Church

Q: In what century did the church begin celebrating Christmas on December 25th?
A: The 4th century

Q: Which Roman Emperor declared Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire, influencing Christmas celebrations?
A: Constantine

Q: What early Christian feast coincided with the celebration of Jesus’ birth?
A: The Feast of the Epiphany

Q: What does the Feast of the Epiphany commemorate?
A: The visit of the wise men and the revelation of Christ to the Gentiles

Q: Which early church father argued for December 25th as the date of Jesus’ birth?
A: Saint Augustine

Q: In what city was the first recorded Christmas celebration held?
A: Rome

Q: What was Christmas originally called in the early church?
A: The Feast of the Nativity

Q: Which Christian saint is often associated with the tradition of gift-giving at Christmas?
A: Saint Nicholas

Q: What was the purpose of celebrating Christmas according to early Christians?
A: To commemorate the incarnation of Christ and God’s gift of salvation

Q: When did the practice of using evergreen trees in Christmas celebrations begin?
A: In the Middle Ages

Q: What is the significance of Christmas carols in Christian tradition?
A: They celebrate the joy of Jesus’ birth and retell the story of His coming to earth

Key Characters

Christmas is a time of joy and celebration, but it’s also a season rich with history and tradition. One of the most captivating aspects is the story of the key characters involved in the birth of Jesus. Understanding these characters can add depth and meaning to your holiday season. Let’s dive into some Biblical Christmas trivia questions about these pivotal figures.

Mary And Joseph

Mary and Joseph are central figures in the Nativity story. She is a young woman from Nazareth, was chosen by God to be the mother of Jesus. According to the Bible, the angel Gabriel visited her to deliver the news. This event is known as the Annunciation.

  • Mary’s role: She accepted her divine mission with faith and humility.
  • Joseph’s role: He was a carpenter from the line of David. An angel appeared to him in a dream, assuring him to take Mary as his wife.
  • Journey to Bethlehem: They traveled to Bethlehem for a census ordered by Caesar Augustus.

Here are some trivia questions to test your knowledge:

Who visited Mary to announce her pregnancy?The angel Gabriel
What was Joseph’s profession?Carpenter
Why did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem?To participate in a census

Angels And Shepherds

The angels and shepherds play a significant role in the Christmas story. Angels are messengers of God who appear several times. They bring good news and announce the birth of Jesus to the shepherds.

  • Angel’s Announcement: An angel appeared to shepherds in the fields, telling them about the birth of Jesus.
  • Shepherds’ Role: The shepherds were the first to visit the newborn Jesus. They spread the word of his birth.
  • Heavenly Hosts: A multitude of angels joined the first angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest.”

Here are some trivia questions to challenge your knowledge:

Who appeared to the shepherds to announce Jesus’ birth?An angel
What did the angels say to the shepherds?“Glory to God in the highest”
What did the shepherds do after visiting Jesus?They spread the word about his birth

Famous Prophecies

Christmas is a season of joy and celebration. For many, it’s also a time to reflect on the Biblical stories and prophecies that surround the birth of Jesus. Knowing some Biblical Christmas trivia can make your holiday gatherings even more special. One fascinating aspect of these stories is the famous prophecies predicting the birth of Jesus. These prophecies add a layer of mystery and wonder to the Christmas story.

Isaiah’s Prophecies

Isaiah, one of the major prophets in the Bible, made several predictions about the coming of a Messiah. His prophecies are some of the most quoted during the Christmas season. Here are a few key points:

  • Virgin Birth: Isaiah 7:14 states, “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.”
  • Immanuel: The name “Immanuel” means “God with us,” signifying the divine nature of the coming child.
  • Prince of Peace: Isaiah 9:6 describes the child as “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Isaiah’s prophecies were written around 700 years before the birth of Jesus. The accuracy of these predictions is often highlighted in Christmas sermons and teachings. They are seen as a testament to the divine inspiration of the Bible.

To make this more engaging, here’s a simple table outlining Isaiah’s key prophecies and their fulfillment:

ProphecyBible VerseFulfillment
Virgin BirthIsaiah 7:14Matthew 1:23
Child Called ImmanuelIsaiah 7:14Matthew 1:23
Prince of PeaceIsaiah 9:6Luke 2:14

Micah’s Prediction

Micah, another prophet, also made a significant prophecy about the birthplace of the Messiah. His prediction is found in Micah 5:2:

“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.”

This prophecy is remarkable for several reasons:

  • Specific Location: Micah pinpointed Bethlehem as the birthplace of the Messiah.
  • Small Town: Bethlehem was a small, insignificant town, making this prediction even more extraordinary.
  • Ancient Origins: The prophecy speaks of one whose origins are from ancient times, indicating the eternal nature of the Messiah.

The fulfillment of this prophecy is recorded in the New Testament. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, as detailed in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. This fulfilled Micah’s ancient prediction and reinforced the belief in Jesus as the promised Messiah.

To summarize Micah’s prophecy, here’s a quick reference table:

ProphecyBible VerseFulfillment
Birthplace in BethlehemMicah 5:2Matthew 2:1

Biblical Christmas Trivia Questions: Test Your Holiday Knowledge!

Credit: www.flandersfamily.info

Biblical Christmas Trivia Questions: Test Your Holiday Knowledge!

Credit: www.artfulhomemaking.com

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Origin Of Christmas?

Christmas originates from the birth of Jesus Christ. Celebrated on December 25th, it marks a significant event in Christianity.

Who Were The Wise Men?

The Wise Men, or Magi, visited Jesus after his birth. They brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

What Does The Star Symbolize?

The star symbolizes the Star of Bethlehem. It guided the Wise Men to Jesus, marking his birth’s significance.

Why Is Bethlehem Important?

Bethlehem is where Jesus was born. It fulfills the prophecy of the Messiah’s birthplace in Christian belief.


Biblical Christmas trivia questions are a fun way to celebrate the season. They bring families together and spread joy. Test your knowledge and learn new facts about the biblical story of Christmas. Enjoy the holiday spirit with these engaging and educational questions.

Happy quizzing, and Merry Christmas!

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