Catholic Trivia Questions: Test Your Faithful Knowledge!

Catholic trivia questions are a fun way to test your knowledge about the Catholic faith. Did you know that all Catholics are expected to perform some act of penance every Friday and that the US Bishops recommend abstaining from meat?

Or that you can only get indulgences for yourself or for people who are dead? These are just a few of the many interesting facts that you can learn about Catholicism through trivia. We’ll explore some of the most challenging and thought-provoking Catholic trivia questions, as well as some fun and interesting facts about the faith.

Whether you’re a seasoned Catholic or just starting to learn about the faith, there’s something for everyone in these Catholic trivia questions.

The Essence Of Catholic Trivia

Discover the captivating world of Catholic Trivia Questions, filled with intriguing facts and historical insights about the Catholic faith. Test your knowledge and learn interesting tidbits about Catholicism through engaging and thought-provoking questions. Ideal for individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of the Catholic Church’s teachings and traditions.

Why It Captures Interest

Catholic trivia is intriguing due to its rich history and spiritual significance.

Exploring questions about Catholicism can deepen one’s understanding of the faith.

Trivia encourages engagement and sparks curiosity about various aspects of Catholic beliefs.

Benefits Of Engaging With Trivia

  • Enhances knowledge of Catholic teachings and traditions.
  • Boosts critical thinking skills by pondering thought-provoking questions.
  • Fosters community as individuals share and discuss their insights.
  • Provides a fun and educational way to learn more about Catholicism.

Catholic Trivia Questions: Test Your Faithful Knowledge!


Historical Questions Explored

Catholic history is rich with key events that have shaped the faith over the centuries. From the establishment of the Church to significant milestones in religious practices, these events offer a glimpse into the past of Catholicism.

Throughout history, prominent figures in Catholicism have played pivotal roles in influencing the development of the faith and its followers. Their contributions have left a lasting legacy that continues to resonate in the present day.

101 Catholic Trivia Questions And Answers

Here are 101 Catholic trivia questions and answers categorized into sections such as Bible, Church History, Saints, Liturgy and Sacraments, Popes, Catholic Practices, and Miscellaneous.

Bible Catholic trivia questions

Q: Who was the first man created by God?
A: Adam

Q: What is the first book of the Bible?
A: Genesis

Q: Who built the ark to survive the great flood?
A: Noah

Q: Who was the mother of Jesus?
A: Mary

Q: In what city was Jesus born?
A: Bethlehem

Q: Who led the Israelites out of Egypt?
A: Moses

Q: Who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver?
A: Judas Iscariot

Q: How many apostles did Jesus have?
A: 12

Q: What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
A: “Jesus wept” (John 11:35)

Q: Who was swallowed by a great fish for three days?
A: Jonah

Church History Catholic trivia questions

Q: Who is known as the “Apostle to the Gentiles”?
A: St. Paul

Q: In what year did the Great Schism between the Eastern and Western Church occur?
A: 1054

Q: Which Roman emperor legalized Christianity?
A: Constantine

Q: What council affirmed the Nicene Creed?
A: The Council of Nicaea

Q: Who was the first Pope?
A: St. Peter

Q: What was the name of the empire that ruled much of Europe during the Middle Ages?
A: The Holy Roman Empire

Q: Which council is known for initiating the Catholic Counter-Reformation?
A: The Council of Trent

Q: Who founded the Jesuit order?
A: St. Ignatius of Loyola

Q: Which event marked the beginning of the Protestant Reformation?
A: Martin Luther’s 95 Theses in 1517

Q: In which year was Vatican II convened?
A: 1962

Saints Catholic trivia questions

Q: Who is the patron saint of lost items?
A: St. Anthony of Padua

Q: Who was the first martyr of the Church?
A: St. Stephen

Q: Who is the patron saint of animals?
A: St. Francis of Assisi

Q: Which saint saw visions of the Virgin Mary at Lourdes?
A: St. Bernadette

Q: Who is the patron saint of missionaries?
A: St. Francis Xavier

Q: Which saint wrote “The Confessions”?
A: St. Augustine

Q: Who is known as the “Little Flower”?
A: St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Q: Who is the patron saint of Ireland?
A: St. Patrick

Q: Who is the patron saint of doctors?
A: St. Luke

Q: Which saint was known for caring for the poor in Calcutta?
A: St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa)

Liturgy and Sacraments Catholic trivia questions

Q: How many sacraments are there in the Catholic Church?
A: Seven

Q: What is the sacrament by which sins are forgiven?
A: Confession (Reconciliation)

Q: What is the name of the bread used during Mass?
A: Host

Q: Which sacrament is considered the “gateway” to the others?
A: Baptism

Q: During which part of the Mass do Catholics receive the Eucharist?
A: Communion

Q: What is the sacrament that joins a man and woman in marriage?
A: Matrimony

Q: Which season of the liturgical year prepares for the celebration of Easter?
A: Lent

Q: What color vestments are worn during Advent?
A: Purple

Q: On what day of the week is the Eucharist typically celebrated?
A: Sunday

Q: What is the sacrament for those who are sick or near death?
A: Anointing of the Sick

Popes Catholic trivia questions

Q: Who is the current Pope (as of 2023)?
A: Pope Francis

Q: Which Pope is credited with beginning Vatican II?
A: Pope John XXIII

Q: Who was the first non-Italian Pope in over 400 years?
A: Pope John Paul II

Q: Which Pope declared the dogma of the Immaculate Conception?
A: Pope Pius IX

Q: Who was the first Pope to visit the United States?
A: Pope Paul VI

Q: Which Pope served the shortest papacy in history?
A: Pope Urban VII (13 days)

Q: Who was the Pope during World War II?
A: Pope Pius XII

Q: Who succeeded Pope John Paul II?
A: Pope Benedict XVI

Q: Which Pope is known as the “Great”?
A: Pope St. Leo the Great

Q: Who was the first Pope to resign in modern history?
A: Pope Benedict XVI

Catholic Practices Catholic trivia questions

Q: What is the practice of abstaining from meat on Fridays during Lent called?
A: Fasting or Abstinence

Q: What prayer begins with “Our Father, who art in heaven”?
A: The Lord’s Prayer

Q: What are the mysteries of the Rosary based on?
A: Events in the lives of Jesus and Mary

Q: What is the practice of visiting the Blessed Sacrament called?
A: Eucharistic Adoration

Q: What is the period of fasting before Easter called?
A: Lent

Q: What is the day of obligation celebrating Jesus’ resurrection?
A: Easter

Q: How many stations are there in the Stations of the Cross?
A: Fourteen

Q: What is the Latin phrase for “Lamb of God”?
A: Agnus Dei

Q: On what day is Ash Wednesday celebrated?
A: The first day of Lent

Q: What is the liturgical book used by the priest during Mass?
A: Missal

Miscellaneous Catholic trivia questions

Q: What does the word “Catholic” mean?
A: Universal

Q: What is the term for the Pope’s official residence?
A: Vatican City

Q: Who is the angel that announced the birth of Jesus to Mary?
A: Gabriel

Q: What is the name of the Catholic teaching on the change of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ?
A: Transubstantiation

Q: What does “Amen” mean?
A: So be it

Q: What day is celebrated as the birthday of the Church?
A: Pentecost

Q: Who is the patron saint of travelers?
A: St. Christopher

Q: What is the large cross with Jesus crucified on it called?
A: Crucifix

Q: What symbol is used to represent the Holy Spirit?
A: Dove

Q: What is the Catholic teaching on Mary being taken to heaven body and soul?
A: The Assumption

Advanced Bible Catholic trivia questions

Q: Who was the king of Israel who was known for his wisdom?
A: Solomon

Q: What was the profession of St. Matthew before he followed Jesus?
A: Tax collector

Q: Who was the prophet who confronted King David about his sin with Bathsheba?
A: Nathan

Q: In which Gospel does Jesus say, “I am the bread of life”?
A: The Gospel of John

Q: Who was the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to death?
A: Pontius Pilate

Q: What was the name of the garden where Jesus prayed before his arrest?
A: Gethsemane

Q: How many books are in the Catholic Bible?
A: 73

Q: Who was the prophet who anointed Saul and David as kings?
A: Samuel

Q: What was the name of the angel who appeared to Zechariah?
A: Gabriel

Q: Which apostle doubted Jesus’ resurrection until he saw him?
A: Thomas

More Saints Catholic trivia questions

Q: Which saint is known for writing the “Summa Theologica”?
A: St. Thomas Aquinas

Q: Who is the patron saint of students?
A: St. Thomas Aquinas

Q: Which saint was beheaded for refusing to accept the King of England as the head of the Church?
A: St. Thomas More

Q: Which saint had a stigmata?
A: St. Francis of Assisi

Q: Who is the patron saint of mothers?
A: St. Monica

Q: Which saint’s feast day is on December 6th?
A: St. Nicholas

Q: Who is the patron saint of children?
A: St. Nicholas

Q: Which saint founded the Salesians?
A: St. John Bosco

Q: Who was the first American-born saint?
A: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Q: Which saint was a soldier before converting to Christianity and later founded the Congregation of the Mission?
A: St. Vincent de Paul

More Catholic Practices Catholic trivia questions

Q: What is the name of the creed recited during Mass?
A: The Nicene Creed

Q: What is the Catholic prayer for the dead?
A: Eternal Rest

Q: How many beads are on a standard Rosary?
A: 59

Q: What is the practice of praying for the Pope’s intentions when receiving an indulgence called?
A: Praying for the Pope’s Intentions

Q: What is the name of the oil used during Confirmation?
A: Chrism

Q: How many precepts of the Catholic Church are there?
A: Five

Q: What does “Kyrie Eleison” mean in English?
A: Lord, have mercy

Q: What is the celebration of the Eucharist called?
A: Mass

Q: What is the name of the Catholic Bible translation approved for use in the United States?
A: New American Bible

Q: What is the liturgical season leading up to Christmas called?
A: Advent

Q: What is the prayer said in honor of the Trinity?
A: The Glory Be

These questions can be used for various Catholic quizzes or educational purposes to deepen one’s knowledge of the faith.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Some Catholic Trivia Facts?

Sure, here’s the short and accurate answer for the FAQ “What are some Catholic trivia facts? “: – All Catholics perform penance on Fridays, recommended to abstain from meat by US Bishops. – Solemnities exempt fasting and indulgences are for oneself or the deceased.

– Catholics believe in the Trinity, Jesus as the Savior, and the need for evangelization.

What Are 5 Things Every Catholic Should Know?

Five things every Catholic should know: 1. Salvation from sin is needed. 2. Jesus is the sole Savior. 3. Salvation is through the Church. 4. God’s work extends beyond the Church. 5. Evangelizing is a Catholic obligation.

What Are The Hard Questions For Catholics?

Hard questions for Catholics may include the Trinity, evolution vs. belief in God, existence of the devil, and sacramental theology.

What Are 4 Major Beliefs Of The Catholic Church?

The 4 major beliefs of the Catholic Church are the oneness of God and the Trinity, the incarnation of Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the meaning of the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus, and the person and work of the Holy Spirit.


Test your Catholic knowledge with these fun trivia questions and challenge yourself to learn more about the faith. Explore the depths of Catholicism through engaging questions and expand your understanding of its teachings. Enjoy unraveling the mysteries of the Catholic Church with these intriguing trivia facts.

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