Forrest Gump Trivia Questions: Test Your Film Knowledge!

Forrest Gump Trivia Questions: Forrest Gump played football, ping pong, and ran track. Tom Hanks ad-libbed famous lines.

Welcome to the exciting world of Forrest Gump trivia! This beloved movie, directed by Robert Zemeckis, has captured the hearts of audiences worldwide with its heartwarming story and memorable characters. As you delve into the trivia surrounding Forrest Gump, you’ll uncover fascinating facts about the film’s production, the iconic scenes, and the talented cast.

From Forrest’s remarkable sporting achievements to Tom Hanks’ improvisational skills, there’s a treasure trove of trivia waiting to be explored. So, grab your box of chocolates and get ready to test your knowledge of this cinematic masterpiece with our Forrest Gump trivia questions!

The Iconic Character: Forrest Gump

Character traits that defined Forrest:

  • Kind-hearted and genuine
  • Determined and resilient
  • Simplistic and honest

Tom Hanks’ Portrayal And Its Impact

Tom Hanks brought Forrest Gump to life with:

  1. Emotional depth
  2. Authenticity
  3. Endearing charm

Forrest Gump Trivia Questions: Test Your Film Knowledge!


Historical Events Through Forrest’s Eyes

Forrest Gump takes us through significant historical events like the Vietnam War, Watergate scandal, and the civil rights movement.

  • Forrest’s experiences in Vietnam showcase the impact of the war on individuals.
  • The Watergate scandal is subtly referenced through Forrest’s encounters with President Nixon.
  • Forrest’s friendship with Bubba highlights the struggles faced by African Americans during the civil rights era.

Memorable Quotes From The Movie

Forrest Gump is a movie filled with memorable quotes that have become ingrained in popular culture. The film’s iconic lines have resonated with audiences and continue to be quoted to this day. Let’s explore some of the most quoted lines and the context and meanings behind them.

Most Quoted Lines

Forrest Gump is known for several iconic quotes that have become part of the movie’s legacy. Some of the most quoted lines include:

  • “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.”
  • “Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”
  • “Stupid is as stupid does.”
  • “My mama always said you can tell a lot about a person by their shoes, where they’re going, where they’ve been.”
  • “Run, Forrest, run!”

Context And Meanings Behind Them

These quotations from the movie capture the essence of Forrest Gump’s philosophy on life. The line “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get” reflects Forrest’s optimistic outlook and his ability to find joy in life’s unpredictable nature. It suggests that life is full of surprises and that one should embrace the unknown with an open heart.

Similarly, “Stupid is as stupid does” is a reflection of Forrest’s belief that a person’s actions define them, rather than their intelligence or appearance. It conveys the idea that true character is exhibited through one’s behavior and choices, rather than superficial judgments.

The quote “Run, Forrest, run!” is a symbol of encouragement and determination. It represents the pivotal moments in Forrest’s life when he runs away from his troubles, showing resilience and the will to overcome obstacles.

101 Forrest Gump Trivia Questions And Answers

Q: Who played Forrest Gump?
A: Tom Hanks

Q: What is Forrest’s best friend in the military’s name?
A: Bubba (Benjamin Buford Blue)

Q: Who is Forrest’s childhood love interest?
A: Jenny Curran

Q: Who played Jenny Curran?
A: Robin Wright

Q: What is the name of Forrest’s mother?
A: Mrs. Gump (played by Sally Field)

Q: What condition does Forrest have as a child?
A: He has a crooked spine and wears leg braces.

Q: Who is Forrest’s commanding officer in Vietnam?
A: Lieutenant Dan Taylor

Q: Who played Lieutenant Dan?
A: Gary Sinise

Q: What is the name of Forrest’s son?
A: Forrest Gump Jr.

Q: Who played Forrest Gump Jr.?
A: Haley Joel Osment

Q: What was Bubba’s family known for?
A: Shrimping

Q: What is the name of Forrest’s school principal?
A: Mr. Hancock

Q: Who is the football coach that recruits Forrest?
A: Coach Bear Bryant

Q: What nickname does Jenny give Forrest?
A: “Forrest, you’re my most special friend.”

Q: Who are Forrest’s childhood bullies led by?
A: A boy named Billy

Q: Who is Forrest’s army drill sergeant?
A: Sergeant Kranz

Q: Who is Bubba’s mother?
A: Mrs. Blue

Q: Who is the nurse that Forrest talks to at the bus stop?
A: She remains unnamed.

Q: What is Jenny’s occupation during her time in Washington, D.C.?
A: She works as a singer in a nightclub.

Q: What disease does Forrest’s mother suffer from?
A: Cancer

Category: Plot Forrest Gump Trivia Questions

Q: Where does Forrest grow up?
A: Greenbow, Alabama

Q: What activity does Forrest excel at in school?
A: Running

Q: What college does Forrest attend?
A: University of Alabama

Q: What sport does Forrest play in college?
A: Football

Q: Which war does Forrest fight in?
A: The Vietnam War

Q: What medal does Forrest receive from the president?
A: The Medal of Honor

Q: What company’s stock does Lieutenant Dan invest in for Forrest?
A: Apple Inc.

Q: What did Forrest and Bubba plan to do after the war?
A: Start a shrimping business

Q: Where does Forrest run across for three years?
A: Across the United States

Q: What does Jenny die from?
A: An unspecified illness, implied to be HIV/AIDS

Q: How many years did Forrest run for?
A: Three years, two months, fourteen days, and sixteen hours.

Q: What did Forrest name his shrimp company?
A: Bubba Gump Shrimp Company

Q: What brand of shoes does Forrest wear while running?
A: Nike Cortez

Q: What natural disaster helps Forrest’s shrimp business prosper?
A: Hurricane Carmen

Q: Where does Jenny live when Forrest visits her in Savannah?
A: She lives in an apartment with her son.

Q: What monument does Forrest run past in Washington, D.C.?
A: The Lincoln Memorial

Q: Who does Forrest meet multiple times throughout his life?
A: The President of the United States (multiple presidents)

Q: What phrase becomes popular because of Forrest?
A: “Shit happens.”

Q: What event does Forrest accidentally inspire?
A: The creation of the smiley face and “Have a Nice Day” slogan

Q: Who did Forrest meet in Washington after returning from Vietnam?
A: The Black Panther Party members

Behind the Scenes Forrest Gump Trivia Questions

Q: Who directed Forrest Gump?
A: Robert Zemeckis

Q: Who wrote the original novel Forrest Gump?
A: Winston Groom

Q: What year was the movie released?
A: 1994

Q: How much was Tom Hanks paid upfront for his role as Forrest?
A: He was initially paid $7 million.

Q: What was the movie’s final worldwide box office gross?
A: Over $678 million

Q: Which visual effects company worked on integrating Forrest into historical footage?
A: Industrial Light & Magic (ILM)

Q: Which famous musicians does Forrest meet in the movie?
A: Elvis Presley and John Lennon

Q: What was one of the original filming locations for the running scenes?
A: Monument Valley

Q: What was the name of the technique used to integrate Forrest into old footage?
A: CGI compositing

Q: How long did Tom Hanks run for his famous cross-country scenes?
A: Hanks ran in different locations for weeks.

Q: Who played the young Forrest Gump?
A: Michael Conner Humphreys

Q: Who did Tom Hanks base Forrest’s accent on?
A: Michael Conner Humphreys, the actor who played young Forrest

Q: What actor was originally considered for the role of Forrest Gump?
A: John Travolta

Q: Who provided the voice for Elvis Presley in the movie?
A: Kurt Russell

Q: How many Academy Awards did Forrest Gump win?
A: Six

Q: How much of his own salary did Tom Hanks invest in the movie?
A: A portion in exchange for profit percentage

Q: What famous line did Tom Hanks improvise during filming?
A: “My name’s Forrest, Forrest Gump.”

Q: Which U.S. president awarded Forrest Gump his Medal of Honor?
A: President Lyndon B. Johnson

Q: What novel was published as a sequel to Forrest Gump?
A: Gump & Co.

Q: What city were the iconic bench scenes filmed in?
A: Savannah, Georgia

Quotes Forrest Gump Trivia Questions

Q: Finish the quote: “Life is like a box of…”
A: “…chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”

Q: Who said, “Run, Forrest, run!”?
A: Jenny

Q: Finish the quote: “Stupid is as…”
A: “…stupid does.”

Q: Who says, “That’s all I have to say about that”?
A: Forrest Gump

Q: Finish the quote: “Mama always said, ‘You’ve got to put the past…’”
A: “…behind you before you can move on.”

Q: Who says, “I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is”?
A: Forrest Gump

Q: What does Forrest say about his running shoes?
A: “Those must be comfortable shoes.”

Q: Who says, “You’re no different than anybody else”?
A: Mrs. Gump

Q: Finish the quote: “Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly…”
A: “…far, far away.”

Q: Who says, “You died on a Saturday morning”?
A: Forrest Gump (talking to Jenny’s grave)

Q: Finish the quote: “Bubba was my best good friend, and even I know that…”
A: “…ain’t something you can find just around the corner.”

Q: Who says, “You lean up against me, and I’ll lean up against you”?
A: Bubba

Q: Who says, “I gotta find Bubba!”?
A: Forrest Gump

Q: Finish the quote: “Forrest, I never thanked you for saving my life.”
A: “He never actually said that, but that’s what he meant.”

Q: Who says, “One day it started raining, and it didn’t quit for four months”?
A: Forrest Gump

Q: Finish the quote: “I was running…”
A: “…and running and running…”

Q: Who says, “Now you wouldn’t believe it if I told you, but I can run like the wind blows”?
A: Forrest Gump

Q: Who says, “I guess we ain’t strangers no more”?
A: Bubba

Q: Finish the quote: “I must’ve drunk me about…”
A: “…15 Dr. Peppers.”

Q: Who says, “I’m pretty tired, I think I’ll go home now”?
A: Forrest Gump

Awards Forrest Gump Trivia Questions

Q: How many Oscars did Forrest Gump win?
A: Six Oscars

Q: Which Academy Award did Tom Hanks win for his role?
A: Best Actor

Q: What was the film nominated for but didn’t win?
A: Best Supporting Actor for Gary Sinise

Q: What other movie did Forrest Gump beat for Best Picture?
A: Pulp Fiction

Q: Which award did Robert Zemeckis win for Forrest Gump?
A: Best Director

Q: Which Oscar did the film win for its screenplay?
A: Best Adapted Screenplay

Q: How many Golden Globe Awards did Forrest Gump win?
A: Three Golden Globes

Q: Which technical achievement did Forrest Gump win an Oscar for?
A: Best Visual Effects

Q: Which composer won an Oscar for Forrest Gump?
A: Alan Silvestri (nominated but did not win)

Q: Who won the Best Supporting Actor nomination from Forrest Gump?
A: Gary Sinise (nominated)

Miscellaneous Forrest Gump Trivia Questions

Q: What flavor ice cream does Lieutenant Dan eat at the hospital?
A: Vanilla

Q: What is Forrest’s IQ in the film?
A: 75

Q: Which ping pong tournament does Forrest compete in?
A: He plays in a competition in China.

Q: Who teaches Forrest to play ping pong?
A: Another soldier in the military hospital

Q: Which artist’s songs are featured prominently in the movie?
A: Elvis Presley and The Doors

Q: What brand of chocolate is mentioned in the film?
A: Whitman’s Chocolates

Q: Who narrates the movie?
A: Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks)

Q: What president does Forrest shake hands with after his football career?
A: John F. Kennedy

Q: What famous event does Forrest witness while in Washington, D.C.?
A: A Vietnam War protest led by Abbie Hoffman

Q: What sport does Forrest become a national champion in?
A: Ping pong

Q: What is the famous boat quote from Forrest?
A: “That’s my boat.”

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is A Interesting Fact About Forrest Gump?

Forrest Gump was played by Tom Hanks. The film features iconic scenes and memorable lines. Tom Hanks ad-libbed some famous lines in the movie.

What Three Sports Did Forrest Gump Play?

Forrest Gump played football, ping-pong, and cross-country running.

What Does Forrest Gump Actually Say?

Forrest Gump says, “Sometimes when people go to Vietnam, they go home without any legs. Sometimes they don’t go home at all. That’s a bad thing. ”

What Advice Did Jenny Give Forrest?

Jenny advised Forrest to run away instead of being brave in combat. He gave her his Medal of Honor, saying he got it by following her advice.


Forrest Gump trivia questions offer a fun and engaging way to test your knowledge of the iconic movie. From interesting facts about the film to memorable lines and characters, exploring this trivia can be both entertaining and informative. Whether you’re a casual fan or a dedicated enthusiast, these questions provide a delightful opportunity to revisit the timeless charm of Forrest Gump.

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