101 Good Friday Trivia Questions And Answer

Good Friday is one of the most significant days in the Christian liturgical calendar, commemorating the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. It is observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday and marks the culmination of the Passion of Jesus, part of the Holy Week. While Good Friday is a solemn occasion, it also provides an opportunity for reflection, learning, and even fun through trivia! Whether you are a Christian looking to deepen your knowledge of the day or simply someone who enjoys learning about historical events, Good Friday trivia questions can be both entertaining and educational.

In this article, we will explore a wide range of trivia questions related to Good Friday. We will also dive deeper into the historical and religious significance of this day, including various traditions, customs, and interesting facts associated with it. By the end, you’ll be ready to test your knowledge or host a Good Friday trivia night with friends and family!

What is Good Friday?

Before we dive into trivia, let’s take a moment to understand the importance of Good Friday. Good Friday is observed by Christians worldwide to honor the suffering and death of Jesus Christ on the cross. It is a day of fasting, prayer, and solemn reflection, particularly in churches. Christians believe that Jesus’ death was necessary to atone for the sins of humanity, and that through His sacrifice, believers can attain salvation.

In many Christian traditions, Good Friday is preceded by the events of Holy Thursday (which commemorates the Last Supper) and is followed by Holy Saturday. Together, these days form the culmination of Holy Week, leading to the joyous celebration of Easter Sunday when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

The name “Good Friday” might seem odd, as the day marks Jesus’ suffering and death. However, it is called “Good” because Christians believe Jesus’ sacrifice was an act of love and salvation for all of humanity.

Good Friday Trivia Questions And Answer

Below are 101 Good Friday trivia questions and answers, categorized by various themes.

General Good Friday Knowledge

Q: What is Good Friday?
A: The day that commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Q: Which Christian holiday is observed two days before Easter?
A: Good Friday.

Q: What event does Good Friday specifically memorialize in Christianity?
A: The Passion of Christ – His crucifixion, death, and burial.

Q: On what day of the week is Good Friday observed?
A: Friday.

Q: In which country did the tradition of Good Friday processions originate?
A: Spain.

Q: Which symbol is most commonly associated with Good Friday?
A: The cross.

Q: Which color is traditionally associated with Good Friday in Christian liturgical observance?
A: Purple or Red (depending on denomination).

Q: In the liturgical calendar, what is the day following Good Friday?
A: Holy Saturday.

Q: How long is the period of fasting or penance before Good Friday in the Christian calendar?
A: 40 days of Lent.

Q: What is the day before Good Friday known as?
A: Maundy Thursday.

Biblical Events

Q: Who betrayed Jesus, leading to His arrest on Good Friday?
A: Judas Iscariot.

Q: Who was the Roman governor who sentenced Jesus to be crucified?
A: Pontius Pilate.

Q: Which two criminals were crucified alongside Jesus?
A: The two thieves, known as the “thief on the left” and “thief on the right.”

Q: How many hours did Jesus hang on the cross before He died?
A: About six hours.

Q: What was the inscription placed on the cross above Jesus’ head?
A: “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.”

Q: Which apostle denied Jesus three times before the crucifixion?
A: Peter.

Q: What was the name of the garden where Jesus prayed before His arrest?
A: The Garden of Gethsemane.

Q: What did the Roman soldier do to Jesus’ side while He was on the cross?
A: Pierced it with a spear.

Q: What happened to the veil in the temple when Jesus died?
A: It was torn in two from top to bottom.

Q: What was the last word Jesus said before He died?
A: “It is finished.”

Religious and Liturgical Traditions

Q: What is the “Via Crucis”?
A: The “Way of the Cross,” a Christian tradition of processions commemorating Jesus’ journey to His crucifixion.

Q: What is the main purpose of the Good Friday service in many Christian denominations?
A: To reflect on the suffering and death of Jesus.

Q: In Catholicism, what is often done during the Good Friday service to honor Jesus’ death?
A: The veneration of the cross.

Q: What is the “Good Friday Agreement”?
A: A peace treaty signed in 1998 to bring an end to conflict in Northern Ireland (not directly related to the religious observance but shares the name).

Q: What is the name of the Christian liturgical practice where Christians focus on Jesus’ seven last words on Good Friday?
A: The Seven Last Words of Jesus.

Q: In Orthodox Christianity, what is the liturgical term for Good Friday?
A: Holy Friday.

Q: What Christian tradition occurs at 3:00 PM on Good Friday, marking the time of Jesus’ death?
A: The service of the “Passion.”

Q: What is the practice of Good Friday fasting meant to symbolize?
A: A form of penance and remembrance of Jesus’ suffering.

Q: What type of bread is traditionally used during a Good Friday meal in many cultures?
A: Unleavened bread.

Q: Which Christian sacrament is often not celebrated on Good Friday, as it is a day of solemn reflection?
A: The Eucharist (Holy Communion).

Traditions Around the World

Q: Which country is known for its elaborate Good Friday processions with people wearing robes and carrying crosses?
A: The Philippines.

Q: In which country is Good Friday a public holiday and stores are often closed?
A: Germany.

Q: In what country is a traditional Good Friday custom of eating hot cross buns observed?
A: The United Kingdom.

Q: In which country do people practice the tradition of “whipping” or “flagellation” on Good Friday?
A: Mexico and other parts of Latin America.

Q: What is a common custom in Italy for Good Friday?
A: Good Friday processions and the reenactment of the Passion of Christ.

Q: Which island nation holds a Good Friday tradition where locals dress in white and participate in a silent procession?
A: Malta.

Q: In Spain, which city hosts one of the most famous Good Friday processions known for its solemnity?
A: Seville.

Q: In the Philippines, what is the name of the traditional Good Friday ritual involving the re-enactment of Jesus’ suffering and crucifixion?
A: Pabasa or “Solemn Reading” and “Senakulo” (Passion play).

Q: What do Australian Christians often eat on Good Friday, in keeping with the tradition of abstaining from meat?
A: Fish.

Q: In Greece, what do people traditionally eat on Good Friday?
A: “Lagana” bread and a vegetable soup.

Good Friday and the Arts

Q: Who composed the famous oratorio “St. Matthew Passion,” often performed on Good Friday?
A: Johann Sebastian Bach.

Q: Which famous painting depicts the crucifixion of Christ and is often associated with Good Friday?
A: “The Crucifixion” by Diego Velázquez.

Q: In what year was the first performance of “St. Matthew Passion” by Bach?
A: 1727.

Q: Which famous composer wrote “Good Friday Music” for choral performances?
A: John Stainer.

Q: Which famous work by Handel is often associated with Christian observances, including Good Friday?
A: “Messiah” (though it is not specifically a Good Friday piece, it is often performed during the Easter season).

Q: What genre of music is often associated with Good Friday services?
A: Choral and classical music.

Q: Which English hymn is commonly sung on Good Friday and talks about Jesus’ death on the cross?
A: “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross.”

Q: Which artist painted “The Crucifixion,” which portrays Jesus’ death in striking detail?
A: Peter Paul Rubens.

Q: What is the name of the famous oratorio by Haydn, often associated with Good Friday?
A: “The Seven Last Words of Christ.”

Q: Which traditional Christian song is sung on Good Friday, reflecting on the sorrow of Christ’s death?
A: “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded.”

Symbolism of Good Friday

Q: What is the significance of the crown of thorns Jesus wore during His crucifixion?
A: It symbolizes the mocking of Jesus as “King” and His suffering.

Q: What does the darkness that covered the land from noon until 3:00 PM on Good Friday signify?
A: It is seen as a sign of mourning and the moment of Jesus’ death.

Q: In Christianity, what does the cross represent on Good Friday?
A: Jesus’ sacrifice for humanity’s sins.

Q: What does the term “Passion” refer to in the context of Good Friday?
A: The suffering, death, and final hours of Jesus Christ.

Q: Why is Good Friday sometimes referred to as “Black Friday” in some Christian traditions?
A: Due to its somber and mourning nature.

Q: What is the meaning of the “earthquake” that occurred at Jesus’ death, according to the Bible?
A: It signifies the dramatic impact of Jesus’ death on the world and nature.

Q: What do the “Seven Last Words” of Jesus represent?
A: The final utterances of Christ before He died, which are often reflected upon on Good Friday.

Q: What does the breaking of the bread symbolize on Good Friday?
A: The body of Christ being broken for the forgiveness of sins.

Q: What does the wine or blood of Christ represent on Good Friday?
A: The blood of Jesus shed for the redemption of humanity.

Q: Why do some Christian traditions hold a quiet, reflective vigil on Good Friday?
A: To commemorate the solemnity of Jesus’ death and to await His resurrection on Easter.

Modern-Day Observances

Q: Which form of entertainment often ceases on Good Friday in many Christian cultures to respect the solemnity of the day?
A: Television programming and commercial activities.

Q: What special service is often held in churches on Good Friday afternoon?
A: The Stations of the Cross or Passion Service.

Q: Which major Christian holiday does Good Friday precede?
A: Easter.

Q: What is the name of the special offering taken on Good Friday in many Christian communities?
A: The Good Friday Offering, often used for Christian missions and charities.

Q: Why do some Christians observe silence on Good Friday?
A: To reflect on the silence of Christ’s suffering and death.

Q: What is a popular Good Friday tradition in the United States that involves the reenactment of the Last Supper?
A: Maundy Thursday dinner, often observed with foot washing.

Q: Which practice is commonly avoided by many Christians on Good Friday?
A: Eating meat (observed as a day of fasting and penance).

Q: What do some Christians do on Good Friday as a form of penance?
A: Give up certain luxuries or habits as a form of self-denial.

Q: In the United Kingdom, what kind of food is traditionally eaten on Good Friday?
A: Fish and chips.

Q: Which form of worship is often conducted on Good Friday in many Christian denominations?
A: A Tenebrae service, meaning “service of shadows.”

Good Friday and Easter

Q: What event follows Good Friday in the Christian liturgical calendar?
A: Easter Sunday.

Q: Which Christian doctrine is closely associated with Good Friday?
A: The Atonement – the belief that Jesus’ death atones for the sins of humanity.

Q: What do Christians believe happened on Easter Sunday?
A: The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Q: How many days after Good Friday is Easter celebrated?
A: Two days.

Q: What do Christians celebrate on Easter Sunday?
A: The resurrection of Jesus.

Q: What is the significance of Good Friday leading into Easter Sunday?
A: Good Friday represents Jesus’ sacrifice, and Easter celebrates His victory over death.

Q: Which phrase is often used to express joy about the resurrection on Easter, after the sorrow of Good Friday?
A: “Christ is risen!”

Q: How many days is the period between Good Friday and Easter Sunday called?
A: Three days.

Q: What day of the week is Easter celebrated?
A: Sunday.

Q: What is the relationship between Good Friday and the Easter Vigil?
A: The Easter Vigil is the first celebration of Easter and begins on the evening of Holy Saturday, marking the end of Good Friday.

Good Friday Fun Facts

Q: Which fruit is often associated with the Passion of Christ and is traditionally eaten on Good Friday?
A: Pomegranates (symbolizing the blood of Christ).

Q: What animal is often depicted in Good Friday artwork, symbolizing sacrifice?
A: Lamb (representing Jesus as the Lamb of God).

Q: Which city is believed to be the location of Jesus’ crucifixion?
A: Jerusalem.

Q: What is the “Crown of Thorns” in Christian symbolism?
A: The crown Jesus wore during His crucifixion, symbolizing His suffering and sacrifice.

Q: What popular holiday activity in Western countries is linked to Good Friday, focusing on reflection and remembrance?
A: Watching religious films or documentaries about the life of Jesus.

Q: What does the term “Good” in Good Friday refer to?
A: The ultimate goodness of Jesus’ sacrifice for the redemption of humanity.

Q: In which year did the Catholic Church declare Good Friday as a day of fasting and abstinence?
A: The Council of Nicaea in 325 AD.

Q: In some parts of the world, what significant outdoor activity is observed during Good Friday?
A: Pilgrimages to religious sites and reenactments of Christ’s Passion.

Q: What term is used to describe the followers of Jesus who witnessed His crucifixion in biblical texts?
A: The women of Jerusalem or “faithful women.”

Q: What New Testament book contains a detailed account of Jesus’ crucifixion on Good Friday?
A: The Gospel of Matthew.

Good Friday in Popular Culture

Q: Which film about the life of Jesus includes a detailed depiction of the Good Friday crucifixion scene?
A: The Passion of the Christ (2004).

Q: Which TV series created by Mark Burnett portrays the crucifixion of Jesus?
A: The Bible (2013).

Q: In the musical Jesus Christ Superstar, what event is dramatized as the central theme?
A: The events leading to Jesus’ crucifixion on Good Friday.

Q: Which famous novel depicts the suffering of Christ on Good Friday, written by Fyodor Dostoevsky?
A: The Brothers Karamazov.

Q: Which movie starring Jeffrey Hunter depicts the life and death of Jesus Christ?
A: King of Kings (1961).

Fun Good Friday Facts

Q: What iconic Christian symbol is worn by many Christians to remember the crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday?
A: A cross pendant.

Q: What is the Christian belief about the significance of Jesus’ death on Good Friday?
A: That His sacrifice atoned for the sins of humanity.

Q: What Christian denomination emphasizes the suffering of Christ on Good Friday with reflective services?
A: Roman Catholic Church.

Q: What is the meaning of the word “Good” in Good Friday in many Christian traditions?
A: “Good” refers to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus for humanity’s salvation.

Q: In the Church of England, what special service is often held on Good Friday?
A: A service commemorating the Passion of Christ.

Q: What significant historical event took place on Good Friday in 33 AD?
A: The crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

The Significance of Good Friday in Modern Times

While Good Friday is a day of solemn reflection for Christians, it has also been embraced by various cultures and societies in different ways. The holiday has deep religious significance, but many people also observe it through cultural activities such as community service, music, and public performances. Churches around the world often hold services on Good Friday, including the reading of the Passion narrative, hymns, and prayers.

In some countries, Good Friday is a public holiday, and businesses close to allow people to reflect on the day’s significance. In others, it may be a day of fasting or charity. Regardless of how it is observed, Good Friday remains a cornerstone of the Christian faith and continues to inspire millions of people each year.

FAQs About Good Friday Trivia

What day of the week is Good Friday observed on?
A: Good Friday is observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday, which falls on the second day of the week.

What is the meaning of the word “Good” in Good Friday?
A2: “Good” refers to the belief that Jesus’ sacrifice was an act of love and salvation for humanity.

Why is Good Friday sometimes called “Holy Friday”?
A3: Good Friday is sometimes referred to as “Holy Friday” because it is a day of reverence and solemnity, marking the holiness of Christ’s sacrificial act.

Which two Gospel writers give the most detailed accounts of Jesus’ crucifixion on Good Friday?
A4: The Gospel writers of Matthew and John provide the most detailed accounts of the crucifixion.

What is the name of the event where Christians mark the end of Good Friday and the beginning of Easter?
A5: The Easter Vigil marks the transition from Good Friday to Easter Sunday.

Which Christian practice often takes place on Good Friday?
A6: Many Christians attend a service that includes the veneration of the cross or participate in the Stations of the Cross.

What significant Christian event occurred on Good Friday?
A7: On Good Friday, Christians commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ.

Which is the most famous Good Friday hymn?
A8: “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded” is one of the most famous hymns sung on Good Friday.


Good Friday is a significant day for Christians around the world, reflecting on the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesus Christ for the salvation of humanity. Through historical events, religious symbolism, and the rich traditions of the day, we can deepen our understanding of the importance of Good Friday. Trivia is a fun and engaging way to learn more about the meaning behind this sacred day.

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