Mythology Trivia Questions: Test Your Ancient Knowledge

Greek mythology has fascinated people for centuries. These ancient stories, myths, and legends offer a glimpse into the beliefs and values of early civilizations. Greek gods like Zeus, Hera, and Poseidon have become iconic figures in literature and popular culture.

Their tales involve love, war, betrayal, and heroism, providing timeless lessons and entertainment. Understanding these myths helps us appreciate the richness of ancient Greek culture and its lasting influence on modern storytelling. Whether you’re a student, a history buff, or just curious, exploring Greek mythology can be a rewarding experience. Dive into these fascinating stories and uncover the wisdom of the ancients.

Mythology Trivia questions And Answers

Here’s a list of 101 Mythology Trivia Questions categorized for you! I’ve grouped them under various mythologies, including Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian, and others.

Greek Mythology

Q: Who was the king of the Greek gods?
A: Zeus.

Q: Who is the Greek goddess of wisdom and warfare?
A: Athena.

Q: Which Greek hero was known for his twelve labors?
A: Hercules.

Q: Who was the Greek god of the underworld?
A: Hades.

Q: What is the name of the Greek hero who fought in the Trojan War and killed Hector?
A: Achilles.

Q: Who was the mother of the Greek hero Perseus?
A: Danae.

Q: Which Greek god is known as the god of the sea?
A: Poseidon.

Q: What was the name of the Trojan prince who was loved by the goddess Aphrodite?
A: Paris.

Q: Who was turned into a spider after challenging Athena to a weaving contest?
A: Arachne.

Q: Who is the Greek god of love and beauty?
A: Aphrodite.

Q: Which Greek hero led the Argonauts on a quest for the Golden Fleece?
A: Jason.

Q: Which Greek hero’s mother dipped him in the River Styx to make him invulnerable?
A: Achilles.

Q: Who is the Greek goddess of the harvest?
A: Demeter.

Q: Who was turned into a cow by Zeus to protect her from Hera’s jealousy?
A: Io.

Q: What was the name of the giant Greek serpent slain by Apollo?
A: Python.

Q: What creature in Greek mythology had the head of a woman and the body of a bird?
A: Siren.

Q: Who was the Greek hero that encountered the Cyclops Polyphemus?
A: Odysseus.

Q: Which Greek hero is known for his adventures in “The Odyssey”?
A: Odysseus.

Q: Which Greek god is known as the messenger of the gods?
A: Hermes.

Q: Who was the Greek hero that defeated the Minotaur?
A: Theseus.

Roman Mythology

Q: Who was the Roman counterpart of the Greek god Zeus?
A: Jupiter.

Q: Who is the Roman goddess of love and beauty?
A: Venus.

Q: Who was the Roman god of war?
A: Mars.

Q: Which Roman goddess was the protector of women and marriage?
A: Juno.

Q: What is the Roman equivalent of the Greek god Poseidon?
A: Neptune.

Q: Who is the Roman god of the underworld, counterpart to Hades?
A: Pluto.

Q: Who was the Roman god of the hearth and home?
A: Vesta.

Q: Who was the founder of Rome according to Roman mythology?
A: Romulus.

Q: Which Roman goddess was the protector of fertility and agriculture?
A: Ceres.

Q: Who was the Roman god of the sun?
A: Sol.

Norse Mythology

Q: Who is the king of the gods in Norse mythology?
A: Odin.

Q: Who is the Norse god of thunder?
A: Thor.

Q: Which Norse god is associated with mischief and trickery?
A: Loki.

Q: What is the name of the Norse realm of the dead?
A: Helheim.

Q: Which Norse goddess is associated with love, beauty, and fertility?
A: Freyja.

Q: What is the name of Thor’s hammer?
A: Mjölnir.

Q: Who was the Norse god of poetry and inspiration?
A: Bragi.

Q: What is the name of the Norse tree that connects the nine worlds?
A: Yggdrasil.

Q: What creature is said to be able to see the future and is associated with the Norse god Odin?
A: The raven.

Q: What event will cause the end of the world in Norse mythology?
A: Ragnarok.

Egyptian Mythology

Q: Who is the Egyptian god of the sun?
A: Ra.

Q: Which Egyptian goddess was the protector of women and children?
A: Isis.

Q: Who was the Egyptian god of the afterlife?
A: Osiris.

Q: Which Egyptian god had the head of a jackal?
A: Anubis.

Q: Who was the Egyptian goddess of war and protection?
A: Sekhmet.

Q: Which Egyptian goddess was known for her cat-like qualities?
A: Bastet.

Q: What was the name of the Egyptian god of wisdom and writing?
A: Thoth.

Q: Who is the wife of Osiris in Egyptian mythology?
A: Isis.

Q: Which Egyptian god was depicted with the head of a falcon?
A: Horus.

Q: Who was the Egyptian god of chaos and destruction?
A: Set.

Hindu Mythology

Q: Who is the king of the gods in Hindu mythology?
A: Indra.

Q: Who is the god of destruction in Hinduism?
A: Shiva.

Q: Who is the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity?
A: Lakshmi.

Q: Which Hindu god is known as the protector of the universe?
A: Vishnu.

Q: Which Hindu goddess is known for her power of knowledge and wisdom?
A: Saraswati.

Q: What is the name of the Hindu epic that tells the story of the prince Rama?
A: Ramayana.

Q: Who is the multi-armed goddess of destruction in Hindu mythology?
A: Durga.

Q: Which Hindu god is usually depicted riding a vehicle with a mouse?
A: Ganesha.

Q: Who is the god of love in Hindu mythology?
A: Kamadeva.

Q: Who was the hero of the Mahabharata?
A: Arjuna.

Celtic Mythology

Q: Who is the chief god of the Celts?
A: Dagda.

Q: What is the name of the Celtic goddess of fertility and love?
A: Brigid.

Q: Which Celtic god is associated with the sun?
A: Lugh.

Q: Who was the Celtic hero known for slaying a boar in the Irish myth?
A: Cú Chulainn.

Q: Which Celtic goddess is known as the queen of the fairies?
A: Morgan le Fay.

Other Mythologies

Q: In Japanese mythology, who is the sun goddess?
A: Amaterasu.

Q: What is the name of the ancient Sumerian god of the sky?
A: Anu.

Q: Who was the ancient Mesopotamian goddess of love and war?
A: Ishtar.

Q: What was the name of the giant serpent that caused chaos in Aztec mythology?
A: Quetzalcoatl.

Q: Who is the ancient Chinese goddess of the moon?
A: Chang’e.

Miscellaneous Mythology

Q: Who is the Mesopotamian god of the sun?
A: Shamash.

Q: Who is the goddess of the earth in Greek mythology?
A: Gaia.

Q: Who was the Egyptian god that weighed the hearts of the dead in the afterlife?
A: Anubis.

Q: What is the name of the Greek monster with the body of a lion, wings of an eagle, and the tail of a serpent?
A: Chimera.

Q: Who was the famous Greek hero that fought in the Trojan War and was known for his strength?
A: Hercules.

Mythological Creatures

Q: What is the name of the one-eyed giant in Greek mythology?
A: Cyclops.

Q: What creature did Perseus slay using Medusa’s head?
A: Kraken.

Q: What is the name of the half-man, half-horse creature in Greek mythology?
A: Centaur.

Q: Which mythological creature is said to breathe fire and has the body of a lion, the head of a goat, and the tail of a serpent?
A: Chimera.

Q: What is the name of the dog that guards the gates of the underworld in Greek mythology?
A: Cerberus.

Creation Myths

Q: In Greek mythology, who created humans from clay?
A: Prometheus.

Q: In Egyptian mythology, who created the world from the primordial waters of chaos?
A: Atum.

Q: In Hindu mythology, who created the universe after it was destroyed?
A: Brahma.

Q: In Norse mythology, who was the first being to emerge from the void of Ginnungagap?
A: Ymir.

Famous Myths

Q: What is the myth of the Trojan Horse a symbol of?
A: Deception and trickery.

Q: Who is the hero who flew too close to the sun in Greek mythology?
A: Icarus.

Q: What is the mythological story that explains the seasons?
A: The story of Persephone’s abduction by Hades.

Q: What is the legend of King Arthur about?
A: The rise of a noble king and the knights of the round table.

Q: Who is the hero who faced the challenges of the labors in Greek mythology?
A: Hercules.

Other Notable Mythology Facts

Q: What did the Greek god Hermes wear?
A: Winged sandals.

Q: Which Norse god was prophesied to die at Ragnarok fighting the wolf Fenrir?
A: Odin.

Q: What does the word “manticore” refer to?
A: A mythical beast with the body of a lion, the face of a man, and a tail of a scorpion.

Q: Who was the first wife of Zeus?
A: Metis.

Q: What is the connection between the gods Apollo and Artemis?
A: They are twin siblings.

End of Myths and Legends

Q: What does the Greek myth of Pandora’s Box explain?
A: The origin of human suffering.

Q: What is the myth of Medusa about?
A: A beautiful woman turned into a monster by Athena.

Q: What caused the Trojan War according to Greek mythology?
A: The abduction of Helen by Paris.

Q: Who was the first to defeat Medusa in Greek mythology?
A: Perseus.

Q: What famous artifact did the Greeks use to end the Trojan War?
A: The Trojan Horse.

Q: Who was the founder of the Roman Empire according to legend?
A: Romulus.

Q: Who is the Norse god destined to survive the end of the world, Ragnarok?
A: Balder.

This list covers a wide variety of mythologies and mythological themes, providing a comprehensive set of trivia questions and answers!

Popular Myths

Are you ready to dive into the fascinating world of mythology? Mythology trivia questions can be a thrilling way to test your knowledge and learn more about ancient stories. Popular myths have always captivated people’s imaginations with their tales of gods, heroes, and legendary creatures. Let’s explore some of the most famous mythologies from around the world.

Greek Legends

Greek mythology is full of captivating stories about gods, heroes, and mythical creatures. These legends have influenced art, literature, and culture for centuries. Here are some popular Greek myths:

  • Zeus: The king of the gods who ruled Mount Olympus.
  • Hercules: Known for his incredible strength and his twelve labors.
  • Medusa: A Gorgon with snakes for hair; anyone who looked at her would turn to stone.

Greek legends often revolve around the exploits of gods and heroes. Let’s look at some key figures:

OdysseusA hero known for his long journey home after the Trojan War.
AthenaThe goddess of wisdom and war.
ApolloThe god of the sun, music, and prophecy.

Norse Tales

Norse mythology comes from the ancient Norse people of Scandinavia. These tales are full of powerful gods, fierce warriors, and epic battles. Here are some famous Norse myths:

  • Odin: The all-father and chief of the gods.
  • Thor: The god of thunder, known for his hammer, Mjölnir.
  • Loki: The trickster god who causes trouble for the other gods.

Norse tales often explore themes of bravery and fate. Let’s see some important characters:

RagnarokThe end of the world and the final battle of the gods.
ValhallaThe hall where brave warriors go after they die.
FreyaThe goddess of love, beauty, and fertility.

Egyptian Myths

Egyptian mythology is rich with stories about gods, pharaohs, and the afterlife. These myths were central to the ancient Egyptians’ beliefs and culture. Here are some well-known Egyptian myths:

  • Ra: The sun god who travels across the sky each day.
  • Osiris: The god of the afterlife and resurrection.
  • Anubis: The god of mummification and the afterlife.

Egyptian myths often focus on life, death, and the journey to the afterlife. Let’s check out some key figures:

HorusThe falcon-headed god of the sky and kingship.
IsisThe goddess of magic and motherhood.
SethThe god of chaos and the desert.

Famous Deities

Mythology Trivia Questions can be a fun and exciting way to learn about ancient cultures. One of the most fascinating aspects of mythology is its famous deities. These gods and goddesses have captivating stories and unique characteristics. Let’s delve into some of the most well-known deities from different mythologies.

Greek Gods

Greek mythology is filled with powerful gods and goddesses. These deities ruled over various aspects of life and the universe. Here are some famous Greek gods:

  • Zeus: The king of the gods, Zeus ruled the sky and thunder.
  • Hera: The queen of the gods, Hera was the goddess of marriage and family.
  • Poseidon: The god of the sea, Poseidon controlled oceans, earthquakes, and horses.
  • Athena: The goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts, Athena was known for her strategic skill in battle.
  • Apollo: The god of music, arts, healing, and the sun, Apollo was a multi-talented deity.

Greek gods often had human-like qualities, which made their stories relatable. They had strengths, weaknesses, and complex relationships. For example, Zeus was known for his numerous love affairs, which often led to conflicts. Athena, on the other hand, was known for her intelligence and fairness. These characteristics made the Greek gods both powerful and approachable.

Hindu Deities

Hindu mythology is rich with a vast pantheon of deities, each with unique roles and stories. Some of the most revered Hindu gods include:

  • Brahma: The creator god, Brahma is responsible for the creation of the universe.
  • Vishnu: The preserver god, Vishnu maintains order and harmony in the universe.
  • Shiva: The destroyer god, Shiva is responsible for the destruction and transformation of the universe.
  • Lakshmi: The goddess of wealth and prosperity, Lakshmi is widely worshipped for good fortune.
  • Saraswati: The goddess of knowledge, music, and arts, Saraswati is revered by students and artists.

Hindu deities are often depicted with multiple arms, symbolizing their immense power. Each deity has specific attributes and symbols. For instance, Vishnu is often shown with a conch, discus, mace, and lotus. These deities are central to many Hindu festivals and rituals. They represent various aspects of life and the universe, making them integral to Hindu culture.

Roman Pantheon

The Roman pantheon borrowed heavily from Greek mythology but had its unique features. Some of the most notable Roman gods include:

  • Jupiter: The king of the gods, Jupiter ruled the sky and thunder, similar to Zeus.
  • Juno: The queen of the gods, Juno was the goddess of marriage and childbirth.
  • Neptune: The god of the sea, Neptune controlled water and horses, much like Poseidon.
  • Minerva: The goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts, Minerva was akin to Athena.
  • Apollo: The god of music, arts, healing, and the sun, Apollo was one of the few gods shared between Greek and Roman mythology.

Roman gods were often associated with specific aspects of daily life. They were invoked for protection and guidance in various activities. For example, Juno was invoked during marriage ceremonies. The Romans believed in the power of their gods to influence their lives. Temples and rituals were an essential part of Roman religion, and the gods played a central role in the state and family life.

FAQs About Mythology Trivia questions And Answers

What Are Some Famous Greek Mythology Trivia Questions?

Greek mythology trivia often includes questions about gods like Zeus, Hera, and Athena. Questions can also cover heroes like Hercules and mythical creatures like the Minotaur.

How Can I Use Mythology Trivia For A Quiz?

Mythology trivia is perfect for quizzes. You can categorize questions by pantheons, like Greek, Roman, or Norse. This makes the quiz more engaging.

What Is A Common Norse Mythology Trivia Question?

A common Norse mythology trivia question might ask about Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir. It can also include questions about Odin and Loki.

Why Is Mythology Trivia Popular?

Mythology trivia is popular because it combines history with storytelling. It offers a fun way to learn about ancient cultures and their beliefs.


Dive into the captivating world of mythology with these trivia questions. They offer a fun way to test your knowledge. Share the trivia with friends and spark intriguing conversations. Visit often for more exciting quizzes and fascinating mythological insights. Happy quizzing and exploring the legends of old!

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